your ideal COB setlist

Deadnight warrior
In the shadows
Red light in my eyes pt.1
Red light in my eyes pt.2
Lake Bodom
The nail
Touch like angels of death
Silent night, bodom night
Bed of razors
Towards dead end
Black widow
Wrath within
Children of bodom
Follow the reaper
Bodom after midnight
Children of decadence
Every time I die
Mask of sanity
Taste my scythe
Hate me!
Northern comfort
Kissing the shadows
Needled 24/7
Chokehold (Cocked'N'Loaded)
Bodom Beach Terror
Angels Don't Kill
Triple Corpse Hammerblow
Your're Better Off Dead
Lil' Bloodred Ridin' Hood
Hate Crew Deathroll

and maybe some covers if they have the time :grin:
Needled 24/7
You're Better Off Dead
Lake bodom
Silent Night, Bodom Night
Deadnight Warrior
Angels Don't Kill
Hate me!
Follow the reaper
Red Lights in my eyes pt1
Red Lights in my eyes pt2
Touched like Angel of Death
Bed of Razors
-From SW:
Deadnight warrior
Lake Bodom
-From HB
Silent night, Bodom night
Bed of razors
Black widow
Children of Bodom
-From FTR:
Bodom after midnight
Everytime i die
Hate me!
-From HCDR:
Needled 24/7
You're better off dead
Hatecrew deathroll
-And finally, they would cover 'Master of puppets' -> Yeah, they haven't done it ever but this is my setlist
1. Silent Night, Bodom Night (opener)
2. Needled 24/7
3. Hate Me
4. Bed of Razors
5. Lake Bodom
6. Angels Don't Kill
7. drums/guitar/keyboard solo battle
8. Hatecrew Deathroll
9. Aces High
10. Sixpounder
11. Children of Decadence
12. Touch Like Angel of Death (with the Rock intro)
13. Kissing the Shadows
14. Towards Dead End
15. Everytime I Die
16. Downfall (closer)

A setlist of this length is entirely optimistic in the US unfortunately.:erk:
BastrdDrmr said:
A setlist of this length is entirely optimistic in the US unfortunately.:erk:
Never say never. From what I've heard the audience has been very much into them and maybe they will headline a tour in the US next year.
Current Set List in USA tour.
Needled 24/7
Hate Me
Silent Night Bodom Night
Beach Bodom Terror or Everytime I Die

What I wish it was.

Northern Comfort
Red Light in My Eyes pt1
Silent Night Bodom Night
Kissing The Shadows
Towards Dead End
Kissing the Shadows
Six Pounder
In The Shadows
Hate Me!
Bed of Razors
Needled 24/7
Lake Bodom
Angels Don't Kill
Triple Corpse Hammerblow
Taste of my scythe
Silent Night Bodom Night
Everytime I die
Deadnight warrior
Touch like Angel of death
Bodom after midnight
Silent night, Bodom night
Hate me!
Bed of razors
Towards dead end
Angels don´t kill
Children of Bodom
Needled 24/7
Everytime I die
You´re better off dead!
Hate crew deathroll

I´m sure that I forgot some really great songs, but... ähh... what the hell...
northern confort
wraith within
bodom after midnight
war of razors
bed of razors
bodom beach terror
angels don't kill
triple corpse hamerblow
children of decadence
mask of sanity

well if cob play this playlist in my room i will happy :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)
1 - Needled 24/7
2 - Silent Night, Bodom Night...
3 - Kissing the Shadows
4 - Touch Like Angel of Death
5 - Triple Corpse Hammerblow
6 - Everytime I Die
7 - Hate Me!
8 - Lake Bodom
9 - Warheart
10 - Bed of Razors
11 - War of Razors
12 - Bodom After Midnight
13 - Towards Dead End
14 - Downfall