Your ideal ND live set would be...

How about anything you feel like playing, so long as the show is 1) live, 2) at least 1 hour long, and 3) somewhere near NYC?

Yes, I've never seen you guys nor heard very much, but dammit I want to!
Okay here's my ideal Novembers Doom set list:

Open with "Hungry like the Wolf", then go straight into "You Give Love a Bad Name" complete with Paul flying onto the stage in a giant harness, then we play "Strip" by Adam Ant, complete with Joe standing on his drum throne and gyrating at the crowd, then we play "Dawn Breaks" with Eric and I on banjoes, straight into our swedish-thrash version of "For Every Leaf That Falls" and finally we end with "The Lifeless Silhouette" which climaxes with Thom Yorke of Radiohead rushing the stage and tackling Eric in a drunken teary-eyed frenzy.
hungry like the wolf would be good... jealous sun would be good as well....cherry orchards.... the theme from webster.... run to the light....any number of songs by artch.... jealous sun.... for darkest hour to play last dance massacre when they played the fireside.... :loco:
Originally posted by NvmbrsDoom5
Okay here's my ideal Novembers Doom set list:

Open with "Hungry like the Wolf", then go straight into "You Give Love a Bad Name" complete with Paul flying onto the stage in a giant harness, then we play "Strip" by Adam Ant, complete with Joe standing on his drum throne and gyrating at the crowd, then we play "Dawn Breaks" with Eric and I on banjoes, straight into our swedish-thrash version of "For Every Leaf That Falls" and finally we end with "The Lifeless Silhouette" which climaxes with Thom Yorke of Radiohead rushing the stage and tackling Eric in a drunken teary-eyed frenzy.

Now THAT I would pay DAMNED good money to see. Hell, I'd put my retirement fund up to put that show ON.
Man, we haven't played The Jealous Sun in a looong time. I really don't remember the last time we played it actually. Cleveland, November 2000? Unfortunately without having the female vocals live anymore, that song just isnt really the same. If we ever get someone to do the female parts live, I am sure we'll put it back in the set.......

......however, I'm all for adding that "Theme from Webster" right now. We can dress up our drummer Joe to look like Webster. Then we'll get someone to dress up as Arnold from Different Strokes, and they can have a knife fight center stage.
Arnold was only slightly taller than Webster, so it would seem I might be the one for the job should Joe be posing as Webster.

Although the recent Different Strokes parody on the Rerun Show would be hard to top, and our attempt might be seen as plagerizing.
you would need a female vocalist to do the theme from webster right[ they had a female sing ma'am's part.... a male doing georges part] and since ya would have a female doing webster vocals.... ya could easily do jealous sun......
