Your name mentioned in the new PQ album thanks list?


PQ member
Jan 8, 2002
Southampton, UK
This is something that is going out on Monday via Myspace, Facebook, website, mailing list etc

We are offering the opportunity to have your name mentioned in the new album booklet thanks list. Basically to guarantee a slot you need to spend $50 in the PQ online store between now and July!

Hm. That is tempting. But consider...tried and true, long time fans who already have a lot of PQ merch, worthy (?) of mention v.s. any newcomer who can buy their way in if they have a credit card.

Maybe I'm being a bit exclusivist? Would this slightly irk anyone else?
Purely a business issue for me on this occasion, recording budgets are getting smaller and bands like ourselves always have to look at different ways of generating enough funds to produce the album we want to.....with the care and attention that you guys demand from us.

I take your point and understand completely though Dom.
I can very much understand what you're saying Dom.

I know getting your name in an album booklet isn't the biggest and most important thing in the world, but this would basically mean it's possible to have one person who has been a fan for years, bought all the albums, some merchandise and gone to see them live multiple times not get their name in the booklet and yet some guy who may have only just heard of Power Quest (not likely but possible), stumbles along the shop, decides to buy $50 or over's worth of merchandise and gets his/her name in the album booklet of a band they've only just heard of.

I understand the above is quite an extreme example but I still think it's a fair point. Surely I'm not the only one who feels this way?

Edit: Just seen your post above Steve straight after posting this. I had the feeling that something like that would be the main reason behind it and I can understand. At the same time, I still feel my point is valid.
Understand the reasoning behind this, as with everything nowadays it always boils down to money, but to expect the best from the band we must realise that money should be spent

But I have to agree with Dom's point. From the stuff available on the online store, I own all of the albums and also the MOI shirt, so would only have the 2 logo shirts and the beanie to get. Problem being one of the logo shirts is for females (don't think it would suit me somehow), I don't wear hats and that stuff wouldn't add up to $50 anyway

Combined with the fact that my car has just cost me a lot of money to pass its MOT and I need to send my Wii off for repair, money is a little bit on the scarce side
Yea. I totally understand where you're coming from, Steve, but I already own a bunch of stuff from the store already (all I have left to buy is the hat). I'm afraid I have to agree with the other guys.

That said, I'm off to buy my beanie right now. :D

edit: Actually... well, since I did lose Neverworld and Magic Never Dies in that car accident I had last fall... this may happen!
How about PQ ask the fans to pre-order the album before it's made (I'm sure Steve mentioned this somewhere before) but to make more money, get the band to sign the pre-ordered copies and perhaps include something exclusive, and charge about £20 for them. or - bundle in a t-shirt for £30 or something
We can only do pre-order type stuff if we are releasing product without a label. Napalm give us an advance for the record and we do what we can with that and if we decide we need to take things a little further....then we did into our own pockets as I have done plenty of times over the years.

However, the live DVD idea for next year is something that may well be a "pre order to fund" kind of deal if we can get enough people interested. The concept works well for established acts with a large fanbase ie Marillion but not sure if an underground entity like PQ could make that model work. That's really down to you guys :-)
How about PQ ask the fans to pre-order the album before it's made (I'm sure Steve mentioned this somewhere before) but to make more money, get the band to sign the pre-ordered copies and perhaps include something exclusive, and charge about £20 for them. or - bundle in a t-shirt for £30 or something

I do think that's a smashing idea. Even if you can't go for a pre-order now type model for a bundle of signed album + exclusive tshirt etc, I'd gladly part ways with my cash for that. I've no problem helping out the band I love but the little extra something in return is a needed incentive. Bundles are a good way of doing that if you can work it out so a profit is made but the deal isn't unreasonable. I'd also pay for a PQ LP release or a release with extra bonus tracks.