your oppinions on the song "Eyes Of Medusa"

Its probably my favourite short SyX song. I love every aspect to this song. Especially MJR's riffing. MP's atmospheric, symphonic keys behind him makes it sound even moodier. Russ has very heavy moments "Endless, timeless, terror!!!!" and of course has, very cool solo's (especially when Romeo does some whole-tone stuff)the classical section is also very emotional before the "JA JA JA JAJAJA PING!"

I gotta say I'm a big fan of Romeo's riffing in this song. Especially those riffs in the verses "The light escapes my smile/There is no likeness to be seen--it is so strange to me". I got no words for it.

TEOM was the first single I heard from TDWOT and it still ranks highly in my book.
I think it's a pretty avarage song because of the production and the vocals weren't as perfected as now so I can't enjoy it as much as their latter work. My favorite heavy song is "Inferno". :hotjump:
It's a great, slammin' song! That light mid-section kinda sucks and seems pointless... the chorus is awesome though

the live version is better
ProgMetalFan said:
It's a great, slammin' song! That light mid-section kinda sucks and seems pointless... the chorus is awesome though

the live version is better

Yeah, the live one is better, plus they seem to push the tempo above and beyong the album version. That's one thing I like about Lepond. He's a real bass player in the sense that he forever pushes the beat, almost rushing it like a good bass player should. You know, like, right on the edge.
MorphineChild205 said:
I like when Romeo does that AWESOME harmonic. I don't know how the hell he did it, but it's great.
He does a pinch harmonic on the E note on the 4th string. He does this by putting his thumb on the string just as he is picking it.
I can also get the same harmonic by doing a "Natural" harmonic" on the 3rd fret on the G string. BUt thats prbably my guitar only