your oppinions on the song "Eyes Of Medusa"

Yeah, i must say that harmonic is a brilliant little unaccompanied touch but i personally like the little diminished solo after the piano towards the end of Rediscovery in V.
Mr. Shred-ididle said:
I can also get the same harmonic by doing a "Natural" harmonic" on the 3rd fret on the G string. BUt thats prbably my guitar only

I agree Shred, it sounds more like a natural harmonic than a pinch harmonic. Pinch harmonics tend to squeal more, this sounds much more open, very Pantera-esque as long as we're talking about Pantera-like riffs.
the_satanic_rabbit said:
I agree Shred, it sounds more like a natural harmonic than a pinch harmonic. Pinch harmonics tend to squeal more, this sounds much more open, very Pantera-esque as long as we're talking about Pantera-like riffs.
I thought it was an E because I have a tab which shows it as that. Anyway, it would make more sense as the E on the 4th string, because it's the octave of the E on the 6th string.

†Russel Allen†® said:
I thought that it was Pantera, the very first time I heard it!
Pantera don't have neo-classical keyobards or good vocals though.
Macy said:
I think it's a pretty avarage song because of the production and the vocals weren't as perfected as now so I can't enjoy it as much as their latter work. My favorite heavy song is "Inferno". :hotjump:

What's wrong with the production and vocals on this song?

I personally think the production on TDWOT is the best of any SyX album to date. I love everything about the sound of that album.

And Russell is fantastic on this album. There is absolutely nothing wrong with his vocals on any song from Divine Wings. I actually prefer a lot of what he did on this album much more than what's on The Odyssey.

Anyway, that's my 2 cents on your post.
Oh yeah, I almost forgot, Medusa is one of the best SyX songs ever. I actually got a speeding ticket once because of it. I had just gotten TDWOT maybe a week or so earlier and I was cranking Medusa and that beginning part just rips! So I'm flying downt he road and the next thing I see is a cops lights behind me. Needless to say that sucked! I almost contemplated using the SyX defense and telling the cop I was just charged up from this awesome album I just got. Then I would have played him the intro to Medusa. Then I thought about it before he got to my window and decided to shut up and take the lousy ticket. Now I regret it because he may have thought my excuse was original enough to warrant letting me go. Who knows? an maybe he was a metal head and would have let me go for turning him on to the greatest heavy metal band ever!???

Probably not. :)