Your Perfect Kalmah Setlist


Nature's Child
Aug 2, 2003
Michigan, USA
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If you could choose a perfect Kalmah setlist (to you), consisting of 12 songs, what would it be? Here would be mine:

0. Tape Intro
1. Heroes To Us
2. Burbot's Revenge
3. Heritance Of Berija
4. Principle Hero
5. Bird Of Ill Omen
6. The Blind Leader
7. Alteration
8. Tordah
9. Hollow Heart
: Encore I
10. Moon Of My Nights
11. Swamphell
: Encore II
12. Hades

Also, to make this thread more interesting, I think we all should comment on eachother's setlist and have good conversation as well as killer Kalmah setlists! :grin:
A lot of bands do two encores... To me it adds more excitement to the show and to have Hades be the final song, after everyone thinking Kalmah forgot would be surreal.
When I saw Savatage on the Poets And Madmen tour they did two encores. Even if a lot of bands don't, does that mean Kalmah shouldn't? :loco:

See, Kalmah plays Hollow Heart and after the song they act it is like the end of the show. Now everything goes dark. Suddendly you hear the keyboard intro to Moon Of My Nights than you know they are not done. After Swamphell, they act like it is the end of the show (for real), and after a minute or so, the Kokko Bros. come on stage and say "Hmm, didn't we forget something?" and there we go with Hades :grin:
1 - Evil In You
2 - Heroes To Us
3 - Cloned Insanity
4 - Kill the Idealist
5 - The Blind Leader
6 - Tordah
7 - Hades
8 - They Will Return
9 - Alteration
10 - The Third, The Magical
11 - Using the Word
Encore - Moon of my Nights

Twelve songs is too short for Kalmah! Too many good songs were left off.
flaminfetus said:
set list

They Will Return ( minus the cover )

heh that would be alot but thats not even 3 hrs of material

Minus the cover is right! I do not care for Megadeth, therefore I do not care for the cover. Nonetheless, see Kalmah play their full library of material would be out of this world! :Spin:

Also, Needled24Seven, you are welcome :)