Your reamping experience


Professional reamping
Feb 17, 2012
Hey everyone!
Could you tell about your reamping experience?
What problems you had during the process? What of you equipment was not enough to get good result? How much reamping easier (or do harder) your recording?
I had reamping done once and was not impressed with the results. I could do just as good, if not better using free amp sims.

More than likely this is a direct result of not going through a good re-amping service.
More than likely this is a direct result of not going through a good re-amping service.

Bingo. You should always make sure that the person/studio doing your reamps has some sample clips that way you know what you will be getting and will be able to make a decision.

If you can get better sounds out of amp sims, whoever did your reamps is a pathetic excuse of an engineer and probably should't be offering reamping services.

On the other side of things, being a reamper myself, I have had issues with the DI tracks being super noisy. I thought it was a ground loop until I made my own DI and the amp was absolutely silent. If you are using an external preamp (separate from your A/D conversion) you need to make sure that there is not a ground loop between the preamp and the A/D.
I had reamping done once and was not impressed with the results. I could do just as good, if not better using free amp sims.

More than likely this is a direct result of not going through a good re-amping service.
Do you mean software amp sims?

... being a reamper myself, I have had issues with the DI tracks being super noisy.
Noise in the source signal may not have effect at final sound, but may kill it. This varies from amp to amp. Of course, better when source sound clean like a tear, but bit noise is not too critical.

Ohh, I think your result is natural. :)
Do you know any producer or sound engineer who agreed to use of software simulators to record and release them in the circulation?
Is there any popular bands that working with software sims are in the studio?
I don't want to say that soft amp can't sounds at all, but difficult to obtain awesome result with it.
Ohh, I think your result is natural. :)
Do you know any producer or sound engineer who agreed to use of software simulators to record and release them in the circulation?
Is there any popular bands that working with software sims are in the studio?
I don't want to say that soft amp can't sounds at all, but difficult to obtain awesome result with it.

I hate to use the J-O-E-Y S-T-U-R-G-I-S word but honestly thats the best example I can think of. He uses pod farm for almost everything he mixes (from what I understand).

Also one of my favorite examples is Joshua Wickman, from what I understand he used pod farm on Within The Ruins' "Invade" album (rhythms only).

Can I ask why you are asking? By your username it seems like you are trying to offer top of the line reamping but since you aren't aware of really anything about amp sims I'm kind of confused (I assumed everyone was aware of amp sims?!)
Reamp.PRO said:
Ohh, I think your result is natural. :)
Do you know any producer or sound engineer who agreed to use of software simulators to record and release them in the circulation?
Is there any popular bands that working with software sims are in the studio?
I don't want to say that soft amp can't sounds at all, but difficult to obtain awesome result with it.

No, he said he could better results with ampsims than the real reamps he received. And yes, there are many albums with software guitars and some sound great.
Def Leppards "Hysteria" sold over 20 million copies and was recorded using Scholtz Rockmans, more or less the predecessor of today's software amp sims. I'm not saying I'm crazy about their guitar sound on that album, but I will not dismiss the fact you can make records without real amplifiers.

A great sounding album doesn't consist of just guitar sound either, it's all the other elements in the mix. Most of the time guitars have to sound crappy on their own to make a great sounding song. The general music buying public have no idea if your guitar is using an amp sim or the real thing.

Just my opinion, not trying to derail the thread at all. "Reamp-Pro", I went to your site, do you have any samples of your work you could share?
I know that other people can hear a soft sims. It's good that they can hear something in it.
But I can't. I just have not seen a single amp sim, which I have liked. Its just IMHO
Specifically for musicians who can't find their sound in the sofware sims, there is a reamping with good, real tube amps.

"Reamp-Pro", I went to your site, do you have any samples of your work you could share?
Thanks for visiting our site :)
We prepare samples for the site, they will be published soon.
Noise in the source signal may not have effect at final sound, but may kill it. This varies from amp to amp. Of course, better when source sound clean like a tear, but bit noise is not too critical.

lol wut? That whole statement doesn't make sense and yes ANY interference that is picked up anywhere in the signal will cause nightmares for the reamper. Typical high gain amps have a gain of about 400 Million and due to the lack of headroom that distorted guitars have increases the noise floor.

Like I said before, I have had DIs that look perfectly quiet but when plugged into an amp be unusable, come to find out the DI did have a minute amount of noise riding on it. I have also had reamps that went off with no problem and when you look at those waveforms they are dead silent outside bit-noise (A/D noise).

If we compare VHT Valvulator and ENGL570, we will find what VHT is harder to play for guitarist, thay ENGL. What does it mean? Sound amplification varies very much from amp to amp. ENGL have more pre-compserssion. DI noise in VHT will be lesser, but in ENGL it may give bigger noise in same distortion level in silent places of the track.

Thats why i say about noise what it may kill a sound, but may not.