Your thoughts on gay marriage?


Mar 2, 2007
Montreal, Canada.
What are your thoughts on gay marriage? :lol:

It's a last minute essay, and I need opinions for my paper (part of the work). If you could help by stating your position on the matter and why, it'd be appreciated.

Thanks :D.
don't care.

Seriously, I'm not making fun of your thread. It's just, I can hardly think of something that better sums up what I think about it.

Point being, I think that gay people should have the same rights, except...

I can't really see why it should matter. It's just a piece of paper, you can buy a house with someone and have wild sex with them and nobody would even bother.
What are your thoughts on gay marriage? :lol:

It's a last minute essay, and I need opinions for my paper (part of the work). If you could help by stating your position on the matter and why, it'd be appreciated.

Thanks :D.

Are you doing a pro/com type paper or just the subject in general?
don't care.

Seriously, I'm not making fun of your thread. It's just, I can hardly think of something that better sums up what I think about it.

Point being, I think that gay people should have the same rights, except...

I can't really see why it should matter. It's just a piece of paper, you can buy a house with someone and have wild sex with them and nobody would care.

I totally agree with that, thanks. :D

Are you doing a pro/com type paper or just the subject in general?

It's a pro/con type of paper, I need to say if I'm for or against it and give my opinion on it, but I'm pretty much like Leandro on the subject o_O.
It's a pro/con type of paper, I need to say if I'm for or against it and give my opinion on it, but I'm pretty much like Leandro on the subject o_O.

Definitely go with the pro side if anything. Much more to write about and arguments against gay marriage usually get walloped :lol:

My stance on the issue: Don't care. Gays should be given equal rights such as marriage.

Yep, no problem.

And another thing, religion should NEVER be the premise (perhaps not the right word) of any law. If it were, well, the world would be even more fucked up than it already is.
homosexuality is genetic. that's almost as preposterous as limiting someone's rights based on race, sex, etc.
I think that being gay is a choice, nothing can convince me otherwise, but I don't care what people want to do with their lives. I still think they should have the same rights as everyone else, and people should mind their own fucking business.

it's genetic.
Show me evidence that proves it. You can't, so don't state it as a fact.

Animals can be gay for christ sake! :lol:
That's different, I don't feel like fucking typing all the information out for an internet debate but :lol: It's a completely different behaviour scientists have identified the cause for in most cases..

if someone chooses to be gay then thats ok and if someonelse is born gay then thats ok too,let the gay man have the same rights as the nongay man
Exactly. I'm not saying they DO choose, I'm saying from all the evidence I've seen from both sides of the debate, and the gay people I've known personally, I wholeheartedly believe they do choose to be gay. I can see the reasons why some say they were born gay, because it's harder for the fucking religious conservative cocksuckers to deny them their rights if they can't help themselves, but I'm ok with that. I have nothing against gays, whether born or decided, I just don't like being lied too :loco:
learn reading, they don't choose to be gay...
He actually made a good point, also: