Your thoughts on gay marriage?

...uhmmmm.....fags.................go ahead i dont care but dont ask me to attend the wedding
Well, there is a a mid-way between the opinion that homosexuality is genetic and the opinion that it's a simple choice.

I think that it's all about socialisation. Of course it's not a simple choice, like said above, noone would ever chose to be gay. But the upbringing by your parents in a certain way, combined with millions of different impressions in childhood determines the sexuality.

And these influences and impressions are so numerous, that we'll never understand or distinguish them clearly.
Necrö;7073352 said:
as long as they don't adopt children I'm fine.


Lesbians are ok with that tho imo.

I think gay marriage should not exist at all because if Bible is against it, Christianity should be against it. That's just my opinion. It's a disgrace.
That is perhaps the DUMBEST thing you have said in this thread yet! :lol: First you state information cannot be found online at the drop of a hat, yes it can! What else is faster? Books contain information, which is universal online. You do not have to go to a fuckin' library to learn about something :lol: Bringing up the age issue to state I am wrong is just a weak excuse. What you are basically saying is "Am right, you're wrong. Thats it". As you did in your first post, "nothing will change my mind" about the genetics issue. Ignorant much?

Be honest Joe, when was the last time YOU picked up a book? :lol: What a crock of shit that statement was!

Dude, you totally missed my point. I said NOT ALL information can be found online. Internet is a more convenient way but ANYONE who knows how to get an A in school knows you can spend hours googling online and not get all that much information/reliable info or your can hit a few books and get a shitload more (credible) stuff to use. Saying you don't have to go to the library to learn something is true but it provides you with a lot more resources if you do. Besides, I didn't say I was right or anyone was wrong, I just stated my opinion. Dude I could give a fuck less if two dudes was to fuck eachother up the ass. As long as I don't have to see it or hear about it, go nuts.

Thumbs up to gay marriage, equal rights for all humans, and being yourself in spite of what anyone thinks.

Anyone who has known a gay dude since they were a child could tell you that being gay is genetic.

I went to 12 years of prep school from age 5-17 with two gay kids in my class. Trust me, they were total fairies since we were in kindergarten. By high school, one of them had a fake girlfriend and one would obsess about a female pro wrestler to cover up something they could NOT change. They had no choice in being gay.

Noone would choose to be gay and be oppressed and ridiculed.

IF youre straight and think people choose to be gay, then try to be gay right now. TRY. Its fucking impossible. Stare at dudes all day and rub your cock (joe please do this lol). Youll never like it!

Ok, even if being gay was genetic, it isn't genetic in 100% of cases. Maybe some are born gay, but some choose to have like men for whatever reason. It's not as black and white as 'ZOMG I LIKE MEN BECAUSE I WAS BORN THIS WAY'... What about bisexuality? What about transgendered people? It's a fucking choice to get breast implants or whether or not you're going to fuck a guy or girl tonight. I know LOTS of effeminate guys who were that way since kindergarten who didn't turn out to be gay, and I've known a few guys in highschool all the girls loved and they were huge closet fags.

And regardless, you HAVE NO FUCKING PROOF TO TELL ME I'M WRONG just like I have none to tell you I'm right, I'm just stating my opinion if you can't handle that then fuck off. :lol:

noone would ever chose to be gay.
I know at least one gay/bisexual man who would tell you different.

whats wrong with it? its not like 2 dads would give their kids less love/attention then a mother and a dad..
Well, there's nothing wrong with it, but the kid would catch a lot of shit which I don't think is right.

2 parents regardless of sexual orientation > none

sure, it's better than no parents at all, I just don't find it normal. the kid would most probably be made fun of... a lot.

or maybe I'm just old fashioned... :rolleyes:
^I do agree with Necrö that the kid would get picked's very unfortunate for homosexuals! It's not their falt after all but it could still be bad for the kid to have F.e 2 dads.
noone would ever chose to be gay.

Motivate that please!:erk: Sure i would never be gay but that makes no sense...maybe a guy who has been straight earlier starts getting attracted to guys and decides to be gay instead...then hasn't he chosen? He could try to suppress his gay side to be straight again but then he would chose NOT to be gay right? Although it does not really work that way but just an example :p

And on topic: I have nothing against gay couples...everyone should have the same rights IMO.
Necrö;7073653 said:
sure, it's better than no parents at all, I just don't find it normal. the kid would most probably be made fun of... a lot.

or maybe I'm just old fashioned... :rolleyes: it's not normal? Neither is a Mexican marrying an Asian, nor is meeting people on the internet. Fuck the norm. Yeah the kid will be made fun of, but it's his choice to make it public knowledge. A friend of mine was raised by pothead dykes...and he's fine, for the most part :lol:
Yeah but somehow it would not be normal...what if the kid has like a birthday party and invites lots and lots of people and they get curious about it? Younger kids are usually bad at lying and don't UNDERSTAND...i bet the kid would make it public in school anyway and might regret it later on. Younger children just don't have the same perception of reality you could say!
Yeah but somehow it would not be normal...what if the kid has like a birthday party and invites lots and lots of people and they get curious about it? Younger kids are usually bad at lying and don't UNDERSTAND...i bet the kid would make it public in school anyway and might regret it later on. Younger children just don't have the same perception of reality you could say!

That's the key right there. Get it out in the open when they're young, and it wont be "weird" later on.

"Timmy has 2 moms."
"Yeah, what of it?"
Yeah but LATER ON WHEN HE IS OLDER...what if a group of homophobic bastards turn up and want to beat him up for it? Believe me...there are alot of them!
I think its bullshit how christian peopel think God hates Fags
Nowhere in the bible does he say he hates fags.god is just against buttsecks cause its not the "natural" way to way sex.
atleast thats what my Christian Education teacher said.

i personally have nothing against gays but in the bible god destroyed 2 great cities Sodom and Gomorrah for being so sinful and engaging in homosexual behavior they even tried to have gay sex with an angel so in return god destroyed the cities. but to me the question is why would god have a law on no gay sex and then have monkeys and people have a genetic urge to want to fuck that way, to me it just seems like bull shit. n e way the only answer is god isnt real and i think we should burn down all the churches to solve all of earths problems
I know at least one gay/bisexual man who would tell you different.

I think we have different definitions of "choosing". When someone is attracted by persons of the same sex, he doesn't chose "Now I'm gay". It just happens I guess. The only thing he can chose is if he accepts it or not. But his sexual orientation won't change, regardless of his decision.

By the way, I think it's extremely hard to pretend being straight your whole life when you aren't. There are people who killed themselves because they couldn't take it anymore. And our fucked up society is to blame for that. Especially in the main part of the metal scene, being gay is a no-go.
Yeah but LATER ON WHEN HE IS OLDER...what if a group of homophobic bastards turn up and want to beat him up for it? Believe me...there are alot of them!

When is that going to come up in conversation when said person is older where they cannot handle themselves?

"Um...yes, why? Is that a problem?"
^I dunno...they heard about it? Some people just DO have a problem with it. I would say it's ALOT easier for people to accept 2 moms than 2 dads still. That was just a possible scenario...maybe not THAT likely but it is possible.