Your thoughts on gay marriage?

That's different, I don't feel like fucking typing all the information out for an internet debate but :lol: It's a completely different behaviour scientists have identified the cause for in most cases..

I do not know why the fuck I am discussing a topic that has NO relevance to myself but I guess this is one of those rare "serious" topic on this very off-topic forum, therefore I wish to carry out an intelligent debate :lol:

First off, give me a source to your statement "scientists have identified the cause for in most cases".

I am not denying that some choose to live a homosexual lifestyle, but some ARE genetically born that way. You can spot these people too, the kind with the feminine figure and girlish manner. I'm not talking village people gay, I'm talking Chris Cocker/Flaming homo gay :lol: (sorry, I had to do it).

I don't see how you can refute my point that animals can be genetically homosexual but humans aren't, unless you are implying humans aren't a species of animal. That would be like me saying it is my fault I choose to take a shit everyday :lol: You see what I'm getting at?
there must be a certain % of the animal kingdom which might be considered "gay",therefore it might not be a far stretch of the imagination to encounter one of these creatures in the wild,i've personally witnessed monkeys at the zoo behaving in this manner
Bonobo males frequently engage in various forms of male-male genital sex. One form has two males hang from a tree limb face-to-face while "penis fencing". Frot may also occur where two males rub their penises together while in missionary position. A special form of frot called "rump rubbing" occurs to express reconciliation between two males after a conflict, where they stand back-to-back and rub their scrotal sacs together.

Its okay if you're gay Joe. Keep telling yourself that it is your personal choice ;)

Once again, provide a source that explains these "reasons".
Its okay if you're gay Joe. Keep telling yourself that it is your personal choice ;)

Once again, provide a source that explains these "reasons".

:lol: Not all information can be found online at the drop of a hat. You know they have these things called 'books', I think you younger kids forgot about them.
:lol: Not all information can be found online at the drop of a hat. You know they have these things called 'books', I think you younger kids forgot about them.

That is perhaps the DUMBEST thing you have said in this thread yet! :lol: First you state information cannot be found online at the drop of a hat, yes it can! What else is faster? Books contain information, which is universal online. You do not have to go to a fuckin' library to learn about something :lol: Bringing up the age issue to state I am wrong is just a weak excuse. What you are basically saying is "Am right, you're wrong. Thats it". As you did in your first post, "nothing will change my mind" about the genetics issue. Ignorant much?

Be honest Joe, when was the last time YOU picked up a book? :lol: What a crock of shit that statement was!
Well I guess living in one of the most homosexual-friendly countries on earth sort of made this opinion grow on me: I don't care at all what homosexuals do, if they want to get married, or adopt kids, it's their choice. They're human beings just like us, so why would we have to treat them different?
I have a similar fate like Remnant Of Insanity... I live in the german capital of homos (cologne).

It's not like I don't care... I think it is the duty of modern society to provide freedom to everyone. Although I really have to turn away when I see two bearded men kiss in the train.

And btw, shame on you internet-people because noone has embed Donnie Davies so far :lol:

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I think its bullshit how christian peopel think God hates Fags
Nowhere in the bible does he say he hates fags. God is just against buttsecks cause its not the "natural" way to way sex.
atleast thats what my Christian Education teacher said.
Thumbs up to gay marriage, equal rights for all humans, and being yourself in spite of what anyone thinks.

Anyone who has known a gay dude since they were a child could tell you that being gay is genetic.

I went to 12 years of prep school from age 5-17 with two gay kids in my class. Trust me, they were total fairies since we were in kindergarten. By high school, one of them had a fake girlfriend and one would obsess about a female pro wrestler to cover up something they could NOT change. They had no choice in being gay.

Noone would choose to be gay and be oppressed and ridiculed.

IF youre straight and think people choose to be gay, then try to be gay right now. TRY. Its fucking impossible. Stare at dudes all day and rub your cock (joe please do this lol). Youll never like it!
I am not denying that some choose to live a homosexual lifestyle, but some ARE genetically born that way. You can spot these people too, the kind with the feminine figure and girlish manner. I'm not talking village people gay, I'm talking Chris Cocker/Flaming homo gay :lol: (sorry, I had to do it).

1.) Everyone who is gay is born gay, but there's no proof that it's genetic.
2.) The "feminine figure" and "girlish manner" are both learned traits...which also explains the existence of "bears" but thats a whole 'nother story.