Your thoughts on the supernatural....

Will Bozarth said:
a bunch of shit has happened in my house... when my mom was watching TV downstairs, she saw my great grandmother. when she was doing the dishes, she felt someone touch her shoulder, nobody was there.

I saw someone walk down my hallway (thought it was my mom), and I went to follow, but the door leading downstaiirs didn't open, nor was anyone else in the house.

Sitting up in my room in silence on the computer, I've heard my name several times. Nobody was home, no tvs were on, the birds downstairs were asleep (some can say my name). In going downstairs, it felt like something was urging me to fall down the steps.. like a push. When I went back upstairs, I felt the same urge/push to go back into my room.
You and your family are just crazy ;)
Ghosties are a product of either sensitivity to electromagnetic fields, an over-active imagination, sleepwalkers, or mental activity still switching over during fatigue/wake cycles.
i don't really believe or not believe in ghosts and the supernatural. i have seen what you'd call ghosts but thats because i have an overactive imagination and sleep deprivation and just general weirdness. i have heard my name being called late at night but i get hearing hallucinations sometimes so yeah.
sahlinja said:
if it can't be proved by science, then it's usually a bunch of bollocks or people tripping off acid.
when 2 people have the exact same hallucination it's either
the acid enhancing telepathic powers where one person's brain is like a radio transmitter and the other is a reciever where they're seeing something out of one person's past


the acid enabling the people to see into another dimention

i've seen and experienced both
I have seen on several occasions, something very black, blacker than the darkness, pass by my bed. Freaks me the fuck out, I am up for the rest of the night after that.

CT and Will, reading those posts just gave me goose bumps......

It maybe all bullshit, but dammit, seems fuking real.
i've seen too much supernatural shit in my lifetime to write it all here.
dreams manifesting themselves in reality, seeing similar things as others, having the dead communicate to me in dreams, being able to meet people in detailed dreams and then meeting them years later in real life and finding out they had similar dreams. feeling spirits' presence against your back and shoulders giving a cool chill.

list goes on and on. don't wanna get into details as it is way too detailed to type it all out.

in response to will's post: "Sitting up in my room in silence on the computer, I've heard my name several times." -yeah i have that ALL the time. and i'm like 'mom did you call me?' and they're like nope.
My *general* view is that our limited means of understanding (physical and mental) is what leads us to supernatural conclusions. In many years, when the mind or senses can experience and understand more perhaps we won't be so eager to jump to such conclusions.

It is, however, part of the human condition that we perpetually want to believe in something greater. IMO, the heart can never be purely cynical (Hume's cynical heart is said to have melted on his death bed, after all) and maybe it's not so bad to believe in something greater, I see no intellectual shame in it. Note, I'm not talking of dogmatic faiths here, but open faith in a larger narrative.
I've seen and have experienced quite a bit when it comes to the supernatural. I may post something a little bit later when I'm not so busy.