"nu metal" ? Wasnt that the mid nineties ? Some term a bunch of kids made up so they would feel important ?
Nu-metal went into the early 2000's. I remember a bunch of my friends loving that crap with the wannabes jumping around the stage in cargo shorts playing dropped-tuned guitars and screaming crappy lyrics. I'm so happy that trend has pretty much disappeared.
There's still lots of Nu Metal... ung.
If PL were recorded back in the 90s with the sound production of Damnation Game you'd all be raving about it. The production of the record is maybe more mainstream, with the extra crunch and ultra-shiny production, but they went out on a limb with a new person who was their second choice, so don't crucify them for that. Is it really impossible to love both V and PL?
exactly .I look at in the context of the theme of the album. Consider:
Set The World On Fire: you've got Satan railing against heaven and God, and issuing a call to war for his supports. He's angry, he wants to lash out, he's *p!ssed off*. What else could it be but an in-your-face kick-you-in-the-balls heavy track? This is also why the vocals are sung the way they are; there were some complaints that Russell had given up his melodic style and gone all gruff and raspy, but when you look at his vocals on the album as a whole you'll see that they fit the emotion of the story at each point.
Then we have Serpent's Kiss: a greasy, seductive, heavy track with a groove, exactly the seduction that Satan is trying to do to Eve (and finished off later in 'Eve of Seduction' - the verse has a 'happy', bouncy style to it, and you can imagine Satan as a used car salesman trying to sell the forbidden fruit. "Come on, it's easy, trust me, it'll be fun").
Come to Paradise Lost, and you've got Satan again, but this time introspective and wondering if he's chosen the correct path. Look at what I have wrought, he thinks, is it good or bad? And if it is bad, I am resigned to my course and can't turn back. Reflected again in the song and how it is sung, with the chorus being a lament from heaven as they look down on the path that their creation has taken.
And so forth. Instead of a knee-jerk "Argghh they've gone all heavy and lost their prog/neo routes", look at the entirety of the album and you'll actually see all those elements in there *as well* as the heavy stuff
For that matter, mainstream power metal is only good in very limited doses as a one-off thing every once in a while (see the 101 Rules of Power Metal).
Too true. Just as bad are all the dime-a-dozen radio metal bands that all have the same kind of angst-ridden riffy songs about breaking up and "losing you....rrraaaaggh" *chugga chugga* and whatnot. Like Nickelback, only angrier. I'd rather listen to mainstream pop than mainstream metal/hard rock in most cases.
For that matter, mainstream power metal is only good in very limited doses as a one-off thing every once in a while (see the 101 Rules of Power Metal).
There is an infinite sea between PL and typical mainstream crap.
wa ? That was a very generic application of a singular opinion irrelevant to anything important. I fail to see how the song writting is "not as good". I fail to hear any utter shit, though your post uttered shit. Wanna hear other bands utter shit just listen to most any new metal band, they utter lots of shit. The only thing I notice about the recording is that its their 7th intense album which sounded alot like themselves with guitar, bass, drums, keys and vocals ripping my ears off and causing my mind into vision
Way, way, way in the background however I swear I can hear a bunch of nobodys going.... "waah.... waah... waah"........ thank goodness its quite low in the mix
Bullshit. Arguments like this are a terrible refuge. "You don't like it - there's no way you can be judging it based on its merits, so I'll make up a confounding variable"
No. PL is not as good as their other albums because a lot of the songwriting isn't as good. Revelation, Walls of Babylon, and the title track are great (though even they have hiccups compared to the prime material), the other stuff is mostly mediocre, and Serpent's Kiss / Sacrifice are utter shit. Show me one song on the Damnation Game or any SX album other than Shades of Gray that sounds as generic and forced as Sacrifice. You have to be willing to judge even your favorite bands, or else you're just a sycophant and not someone who really appreciates.
Deal with it.![]()
Btw, Sacrifice has one of my all-time favorite guitar solos from MJR.
I agree lol. There are a few mainstream metal band I do enjoy... like 2.
I'd say Five Finger Death Punch (Their song "The Bleeding" mostly) and Breaking Benjamin (The song "I Will Not Bow)
That's really all for me. Some bands I hear and I might like 1 song by them... but these bands I mentioned I like 2-5 songs by or something like that. Melodic metal really is what gets my groove on lol.
Oh and I'm guilty of listening to mainstream pop on the radio occasionally. only when I'm like high on meds lol... cuz then I wouldn't be in my right mind haha!
Bullshit. Arguments like this are a terrible refuge. "You don't like it - there's no way you can be judging it based on its merits, so I'll make up a confounding variable"
No. PL is not as good as their other albums because a lot of the songwriting isn't as good. Revelation, Walls of Babylon, and the title track are great (though even they have hiccups compared to the prime material), the other stuff is mostly mediocre, and Serpent's Kiss / Sacrifice are utter shit. Show me one song on the Damnation Game or any SX album other than Shades of Gray that sounds as generic and forced as Sacrifice. You have to be willing to judge even your favorite bands, or else you're just a sycophant and not someone who really appreciates.
Deal with it.![]()
I don't see why adding in extra noodling just for its own sake makes DG less mainstream than PL. I of course like DG, but PL just gets to the point quicker and I think it's better writing.