Your Top 3 fav Swedish Black Metal bands

It's getting reissued in the coming weeks along with the second album by Nuclear War Now! They always do full justice to everything that they release, so I don't think seeking an original is necessary in this instance. He certainly won't be bastardizing the artwork or anything, that's for sure. Whenever he gets around to it, the vinyl version should be utterly immense.
1. Dissection
2. Sacramentum
3. Necrophobic(I think they could be either a death or black metal band). The Nocturnal Silence is death metal and after the band really has a black metal sound and image.
ive been checkin out bathory and wondering why i didnt sooner. guess for some reason its cus i always thought of venoms music when i heard bathory
Funeral Mist
Abruptum (if they don't count then Ondskapt.)

I can't understand why some list Naglfar, they're ratter gay melodic black metal similar to Lord Belial.... the Nagelfar from Germany is like 10 times better and more talented.
Funeral Mist
Abruptum (if they don't count then Ondskapt.)

I can't understand why some list Naglfar, they're ratter gay melodic black metal similar to Lord Belial.... the Nagelfar from Germany is like 10 times better and more talented.

I agree that Naglfar is rather gay and the German Nagelfar is vastly superior, but I don't really see the former being very similar to Lord Belial at all. While they're nothing amazing, they're actually a pretty solid band. Unholy Crusade is a rather good album that has very little in common with Naglfar or any type of Gothenburg crap.
Funeral Mist
Abruptum (if they don't count then Ondskapt.)

I can't understand why some list Naglfar, they're ratter gay melodic black metal similar to Lord Belial.... the Nagelfar from Germany is like 10 times better and more talented.

I can tolerate most of Naglfar's later material, but it doesn't discredit their earlier stuff, which I find to be of high quality.
it´s funny how people think it´s ok to like bathory while saying naglfar is gay. you should try going to a naglfar concert, they rock the shit out of most bands. that´s also what bathorys music was all about you know
True, however Sheol is the reason most people enjoy them (Century Media put it out in America, remember), and that is not really a "black metal" album. It is good though.