Your weekend plans

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Oct 18, 2004
Hey I was over in the Amon Amarth forum and saw a weekens plans thread. Thought it wuld be neat to have that over here also. What's everyone doing this weekend. I went to a firehall party last night drank some, not too much since I got a part time weeknd job. I am currently getting all the college football scores. Hope Notre Dame loses! Got work early tomorrow :erk: then will watch the EAGLES when they come on tommorrow afternoon. They better play smarter than they did last week against ATL. Anyways, this seems like a cool thread. So what's up hoss's?
I Try to get over with all the stress i perceive at school and at home by getting drunk, stoned and some things that way just to refill powers for another week of daily terror. Kinda weird every time.. Well i think sometimes i am one with the peolpe who should not be given too much free time, because when i have it, i just do criminal/forbidden things to get along with my nonkonformness. Weekends are pretty strange. Just got home from the woods, had a listen to some old records. Feel the liberty that is left to us, in those times..
Went to a party last night twas ok got drunk, saw 'Wolf Creek' at the cinema today twas ok
Sorry dudes. As much as I hate to do this... the reason the off-topic forum was closed was because there was a multitude of threads like this that just amounted to spam. This forum is only for Opeth/related music discussion.

Hope you understand.
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