Your weirdest dreams involving other RC members...


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Sep 4, 2003
So I dreamt I was running alone in the desert for some reason and was suddenly assailed by a freakingly teethgrinding/lingering sound. I looked around... and lo and behold: there was NAD, standing topless on a stone outcropping, playing "Stairway to Heaven" Xasthur style...
OK I lost track of the subsequent chain of events, all I know is that it involved a ride through Las Vegas by night where I was feeling a strong taste of adrenaline, and at the end we were both battling giant half-snake-half-shark mutants underwater and that's where NAD got ripped apart and I woke up.

i don't think i've ever dreamt anything including an rc member... except maybe fotmbm (NOTHING GAY OK) but it's more because he's an IRL FRIEND than because he posts on rc tbh
I had a dream last night that I met an RC member, but that's all I remember.
Good times though... maybe drinking was involved.
I was the commander of a squad of commandos in a post apocalyptic warzone. We were battling the evil Dr.Hair and his Urine-bots. We got a replacement commando, we saw him from miles off because he wasn't wearing any camo, only a bright yellow speedo. IT WAS LURCH.

We had orders to attack the lair of dr. hair. When we got there he had a new model of urine bot that our weapons couldn't hurt. So lurch leapt at one of the urine bots, wrapped his legs around it and twisted its head off. So one of the other commandos tried the same, but his clothed legs were too slippery, the bot ripped him apart. Another guy tried but took his pants off first. But he lacked the strength. So lurch single handedly killed all the urine bots. Then we broke into Dr.Hair's main chamber.

It was miles long, lined with giant statues of young german boys pissing on hot asian women who were pissing in a fountain. At the end of the chamber was Dr.Hair himself. (Man As Robot). Underneath a giant apparatus covered in nubile asian women constantly pissing. We fired our guns at him but this apparatus was some sort of urine shield. Protecting him from the bullets. So Lurch picked up Commando M00se and threw him at the aparatus and it broke and crushed and killed Dr.Hair.
Had a dream MFJ died last night. We found him on the side of the road.
Conspicuously Absent said:
I was the commander of a squad of commandos in a post apocalyptic warzone. We were battling the evil Dr.Hair and his Urine-bots. We got a replacement commando, we saw him from miles off because he wasn't wearing any camo, only a bright yellow speedo. IT WAS LURCH.

We had orders to attack the lair of dr. hair. When we got there he had a new model of urine bot that our weapons couldn't hurt. So lurch leapt at one of the urine bots, wrapped his legs around it and twisted its head off. So one of the other commandos tried the same, but his clothed legs were too slippery, the bot ripped him apart. Another guy tried but took his pants off first. But he lacked the strength. So lurch single handedly killed all the urine bots. Then we broke into Dr.Hair's main chamber.

It was miles long, lined with giant statues of young german boys pissing on hot asian women who were pissing in a fountain. At the end of the chamber was Dr.Hair himself. (Man As Robot). Underneath a giant apparatus covered in nubile asian women constantly pissing. We fired our guns at him but this apparatus was some sort of urine shield. Protecting him from the bullets. So Lurch picked up Commando M00se and threw him at the aparatus and it broke and crushed and killed Dr.Hair.

oh fuck ... i knew my name was going to appear o_O

i had a dream with Maren once ... i spoke about this before, no need to into it again
At least your a hero and a commando is a post apocalyptic warzone lurch. And weren't like... slathering yourself in oil on a beach somewhere.
Hey, you guy are pretty wierd and stuff!

I had a dream I was in Sweden doing snus and beating up immigrants at this like, gigantic gate that was "The Swedish Boarder" and not letting them in. Probobly was influenced by RC at least.
MadeInNewJersey said:

You should post pics already, so I dream about you in return.

Maybe later! This wasnt a very flattering dream anyway