Your weirdest dreams involving other RC members...

he's the most infamous & prolific rapist in umeå, having attacked probably 10 women or so (confirmed) in the last 5 years without being caught
ha ha, no

one was my friend Kerry (old college friend, lives in Hells Kitchen near the bar), the other was her co-worker, a Jewish girl who spent at least 1 hour arguing with Nemtheanga about the Jewish/Muslim thingie
Last night I dreamed I was in a country/western restaurant with this chick I know and her family. I really wanted to do this girl, but sitting at this big table with the family was boring me out of my skull. So I eventually find out that the restaurant has a little computer cafe so I think "OK, I'll check RC and see what everyone's up to." I get on there and see NAD has started a thread that says something like

"what do you do when the girl you're totally in love with starts making out with another guy at a bar? :mad:" The thread made me laugh because it was uncharacteristally morose coming from NAD and the thing already had 10 pages worth of replies.

After that, I almost got caught with marijuana in my car, but the K9 missed the pipe I had in my dash and the cop confiscated a baggie of tobacco to "take back to the lab" so I pretty much got out of it.

But when I woke up this morning, I got on here to see how many replies NAD's thread had.
Something just came into my head, I think last night I had a dream that some new dude came to RC and started ripping off my Suckatar, calling his a Gayatar or something. Then I woke up with a boner.