You're all gonna hate me for this...

By the way, speaking of "fresh" artists, this is from Infected Mushrooms latest album:

It makes me kind of sad seeing them going towards this genre, but at the same time they are f-ing awesome at it. :lol:
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With ya, Marcus. I've been a fan of certain types of electronica though since the 90s. Mostly underground/gamer stuff at the time. I can see how dubstep could be considered the fast food equivalent of this type of music, but it's still cool as a guilty pleasure.

Besides, the M50s really love the low-end.

Oh wow, can't believe YT has this. An old classic:

Oh yeah, Aphex Twin. (Richard David James)

That dude is on a whole other worldly level. I pretty much have all his stuff. Check out his wiki to find all his works.

This. Also I saw Deadmau5 and Daft Punk being thrown around. Not 100% sure if this is what you're looking for, but it's a good start. David Guetta might be good to look into as well. I'll keep an eye out when I am in /mu/ if anything is up your alley.
No matter how mainstream deadmau5 or (especially) daft punk, I think they are very good, and Daft Punk is just so special. They do mainstream electronic music that has a surprising level of subtlety if you really pay attention.

Deadmau5 is a bit funny in the way that he went mainstream, but his albums still contain some "raw" tracks that I bet very few can actually enjoy. I think he produces/mixes everything himself, and his sounds makes 80% of the quality of his music.

David ghetta is something else, this is pure fast food music, so if you take it for what it is, i.e. music he barely produces himself (he buys some of them to independent and unknown writers, or associates with people behind the scenes) that is supposed to just hit the clubs for a season, one after the other, then you can have fun with it.
Normally my forays into the electronic have been based around Daft Punk, Aphex Twin, Faderhead, the Spawn soundtrack and other stuff my girlfiend throws at me... such as these two...

and this one, which I absolutely love...

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Normally my forays into the electronic have been based around Daft Punk, Aphex Twin, Faderhead, the Spawn soundtrack and other stuff my girlfiend throws at me... such as these two...

and this one, which I absolutely love...

Just wanted to throw this :

:lol: A friend showed me this, saying "the amount of I-don't-give-a-fuck" is tremendous and that makes it actually enjoyable with a smile, in a way !
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I remember when I first saw this video, so freakin' weird. The song actually starts at 2:30.