You're Probably Gonna Hate Me For This

Jinn said:
Weezer gave birth to the Emo genre of music.

For that, I hate them.

Whooooa, hold your horses there. Don't judge "emo" because of what you hear on MTV or whatever. Emo is not all about kids with tight jeans and whiney vocals. Even though I'm not the type to preach about how genres should work, I think generalizing "emo" because bands like Tacking Back Sunday and Brand New are shit is just like saying "Yeah, metal sucks because that's what Slipknot do". Obviously it's an uneducated assumption.
^er, there isn't exactly much of an "emo underground", as it were...about equivalent to saying "hey don't judge bubblegum pop music based on ashlee simpson..."
cthulufhtagn said:
^er, there isn't exactly much of an "emo underground", as it were...about equivalent to saying "hey don't judge bubblegum pop music based on ashlee simpson..."

No, that statement is COMPLETELY wrong. Emo is (was) basically an underground genre for a looooong time. In fact, it's underground-ness was part of it's code of "DIY" (Do It Yourself, which is a bit silly, it basically states "Don't let big record labels fuck you over, don't sign to a major label, record everything on a low budget", etc). Hell, most "emo" bands in the 80's (and yes, emo has been around about 20 years longer than most people assume) released records on 7'' and played local shows, but never got anywhere.
jptk said:
I think the cure and goth is a dodgy topic. Take away the make up and clothes and their aint much "goth" left

Easier to criticise than understand a lot of the time.

I was called a goth for about 10 years from the mid 80s. Probably because I am perceived as a miserable cunt and have worn black since a tender age. I was also very thin at the time (6 feet tall and only 8 and a half stone even when I was 18).

Now I am a fat bastard, I get labelled as a metaller. I am still called a miserable cunt, but who cares? I still wear similar clothes now as I did then, I am just a lot bigger. Make up never appealed to me, I have always been pale enough anyway.

It made sense at the time to be able to relate to his own knowledge and background. I love taking the piss out of goths as much as the next man, especially as I know quite a lot about it.

Sometimes though, the G word is an excuse for a lot of people to ignore any point and dismiss it. I suspect this is what may have happened here. As you are posting here, I am guessing that you are familiar with most of Jonas' vocals. Are you similarly acquainted with the work of Robert Smith. There are quite a few of us that have independently come up with the same comparison. It does not apply to all of their work, but it is still a common opinion.

OK, rant over...
I am actually a fan of a lot of the cures work, the goth point i made earlier has no relevance to the thread whatsoever, im not even sure why i made it. :erk:
MountainDweller said:
I've noticed on more than one occasion on certain songs that Jonas' vocals remind me of the guy from Counting Crows. What prompted me to bring this up was having just listened to "O How I Enjoy The Light". I just find it interesting how sometimes their vocals sound similar.

Of course it would seem that Jonas's vocals sound similar to many peoples voice.....but the song "Oh how I enjoy the light" is a will Oldham cover song......and knowing that Will Oldham stuff is in Jonas's rotation as well as Tool and some others I have seen mentioned in this thread would lead you to believe that he is influenced by them.........BUT, I think that Jonas has no desire to sing like anyone but himself.....I have read alot of interviews with Jonas and I think that he has more integrity than to try to copy anyone........I know that I pretty much play similar to what I listen to.....but not intentionally....thats just the way it goes in music........
+oh yea.....Jonas used to like the cure alot from what I remember reading.....they had some influence on Discouraged Ones is what I think....
Eversion said:
No, that statement is COMPLETELY wrong. Emo is (was) basically an underground genre for a looooong time. In fact, it's underground-ness was part of it's code of "DIY" (Do It Yourself, which is a bit silly, it basically states "Don't let big record labels fuck you over, don't sign to a major label, record everything on a low budget", etc). Hell, most "emo" bands in the 80's (and yes, emo has been around about 20 years longer than most people assume) released records on 7'' and played local shows, but never got anywhere.
i assume you're talking about rites of spring, etc; old-school scene? i would say that the bands that have really carried on that tradition are what we'd no longer call "emo", maybe "screamo" as i've heard it called...poison the well, boysetsfire, at the drive-in, etc...some of that stuff is good (i love atdi) but the used/thrice/thursday major-label stuff is sheer garbage. i'm not sure what ian mackaye has to say about dashboard confessional, but hell i consider katatonia closer to dc hardcore than those wankers.
I also thought he sounded similar to Tool... oh wait.. did someone say that? Dang... I forgot.. Well uhh yeah... Sometimes he sounds like he's trying to balance on his big toe and sing at the same time if you know what I mean. Oooh..... balance.... argh! *voice shakes*