YT: Framus Cobra and surprise.

Ola Englund

Only gay in the village
Dec 1, 2001
Stockholm, Sweden
Did a clip with the Framus Cobra. Say I'm getting more and more in love with EL34. Love their edgy sound.

Anyway here's the video:

FORGOT: The kick is a blend of superior kick together with Lasses kick teaser! Those are some awesome sounding kicks!
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Booh, cheater! Downstrokes for the win! ;))

Awesome as usual, Ola. Great miking of that 2x12, for this style of music. Have you done an IR and added it into the Axe yet?
Saw this in my youtube subscriptions! Awesome sound as always! You've really been on an amp spree lately :headbang:

Fav so far?
Sounds pretty killer, but then again so does everything you record/play. Nice amp, just doesn't have as much instantly recognizable character like a recto or a 5150 IMO. I'd suppose it's much more flexible because of that as well...
Booh, cheater! Downstrokes for the win! ;))

Awesome as usual, Ola. Great miking of that 2x12, for this style of music. Have you done an IR and added it into the Axe yet?

People who strictly do down strokes are retards :D

I tell you this Roadster 2x12 has the tightest sound I've ever heard. It's so easy to mic and get a good sound.

And no I haven't tried to do an impulse. I've had a lot of trouble making one in the past so I'm kinda intimidated with the whole process.
Ola, you definitely prove that 2x12s can bring the fucking goods, contrary to what people believe and/or say about them.
Great clip again and great song!
the babys ears man!! please make a video with a shitty amp i bet its going to sound great ......not one bad sound clip from you wtf!!! again huge sound!!!
I think this is one of my favorite compositions you've done. Sounds awesome, brotha :headbang:

How similar is the Cobra to the Recto? I remember in Poidas reamp shootout, the Recto had a similar character/fizz, but sounded a bit better.
I think this is one of my favorite compositions you've done. Sounds awesome, brotha :headbang:

How similar is the Cobra to the Recto? I remember in Poidas reamp shootout, the Recto had a similar character/fizz, but sounded a bit better.

THanks Greg! :worship:

I've always thought of the Cobra to be the bastard son of the rectifier and 5150. They got about the same character but I still enjoy the rectifier a lot more. Maybe the Cobra has a little more modern edge to the sound.

please explain... :zzz: