YT: Framus Cobra and surprise.

Another great sounding clip! Question: do you have your mic pretty much set on your cab and you just tweak the amps, or do you adjust the mic for each amp?
Good stuff! Sounds thick!
Did you use your Tube Screamer in front of it?

No I've stopped using a Overdrive for my amp testing,

Another great sounding clip! Question: do you have your mic pretty much set on your cab and you just tweak the amps, or do you adjust the mic for each amp?

Last 3 clips I've had the cab setup the same way so not to much amp tweaking. I usually set all eq knobs at noon and go from there. Often I don't even have to touch the eq to much. Gain and presence are the knobs I usually tweak the most.
Ola where do you put the master volume on this isnt it too loud ?? it sounds like you have it at least on 4 to get this type of tone.......i cant even go past 2 on my amp in my room everything vibrates and its just too loud for do you get away with it?
This amp seems to suit your playing style quite well. Doesn't sound like it'd take much to go from here to a professional quality end product. One of the best sounding clips you've ever done methinks.
wrote them down instead:

Lead Channel No notch
Gain: noon
Presence: 10 o clock
Bass: 12:30
Mid: 1 o clock
Treble: 11:30
Deep: 0

Interesting settings. Mine are similar, I run a lil more presense, but I run the Bass at 10:00, and use the Deep to make up for it, generally around 11:30-12:00