Great vid as usual man. Always look fowd to your vids!
I had a couple of questions for you:
- In the other vid you mentionned the loop pedal to lower the volume so you can check out mic position and i was wondering how that worked out with the mark V as i always thought poweramp volume had more impact on the tone of that amp then say my 5150 or rackto? Also are you using tubescreamer with the gain at zero and tone at noon to do that or just a volume pedal? if not what else?
- How did you handle noise to track that? was it with editing or did you use some sort of noise gate?
- Did you keep the same mic positioning for the solo? I usually keep it there and change the knobs but latelly i was wondering if i should just consider it like tracking something different and starting from scratch?
Sorry about the noob questions oh and cool song man!