YT: Orange Tiny Terror - Sorta metal...

Ola Englund

Only gay in the village
Dec 1, 2001
Stockholm, Sweden
So while avoiding Orange at all cost I finally got a hold of the Tiny Terror. A 15 W little bastard with a VERY special sound, the owner put it in the perfect way. “It sounds like an angry bee”.
Like a Fuzz pedal-amp. And rather than hooking up my Maxon or Greenhouse Effects overdrive, It was pretty charming playing without one. So I did a cover of one of my most favorite bands of all time; ENTOMBED. This song is called Damn Deal Done, I’ve actually played it live with my old band Subcyde.

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What a great tone!

The Tiny Terror really does have a distinctive sound, but like an angry bee?
Actually quite surprised at this myself as well. Sounds pretty damn good :headbang:
Bizarre... I came into this biased as hell, expecting to hate it completely. But I love it man - great choice of amp for the song, nice fuzz tone, and can't go wrong with that Avatar kit either. Sounds like there may be something different going on with your bass grit in this one?
Bizarre... I came into this biased as hell, expecting to hate it completely. But I love it man - great choice of amp for the song, nice fuzz tone, and can't go wrong with that Avatar kit either. Sounds like there may be something different going on with your bass grit in this one?

well yeah totally different approach. just started from scratch to sound like the entombed album, but a little bit of the ola approach.
Great hard rock tone is one place Orange certainly seem to not disappoint - I like it a lot. I recently played through a new Rockerverb MKII 50 watt head and it was a pretty nice sounding amp indeed. Another great demo Ola.