YT: Recabinet 3 presets

Ola Englund

Only gay in the village
Dec 1, 2001
Stockholm, Sweden
Just want to give Shane a boost with his awesome product! It is truly a huge step from the first Recabinet(also awesome btw). It will be out the 18th of January. These are just some quick presets I did with an old Rectifier recording I had.

Good work Shane, really hope it gets the sales it deserves!

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Cool man. Going by the sounds of those samples, not my thing at all, but best of luck with it all the same, Shane.

Totally understood, and I appreciate the kind words. Sent you a message to your Facebook... as I said in the other thread, this release is just the beginning, and where the plugin is headed from here may be more relevant to your interests. :cool:
Shane, please dont take what I am about to say negatively as I am a Recabinet 2 owner and love the plugin....

Knowing the types of tones Ola normally gets something just sounds dull and lifeless about the plug-in. Not sure what it is but there is this really harsh digitalness to them that I have never heard out of Ola's stuff before, not even the Axe FX.

There just seems to be this overall EQ scoop on the cabs that doesnt allow the high end to sing like a real cab does. I cant quite place it.
I dont think so really, cause all of Ola's other stuff isn't like this. I dunno maybe its the way he does his impulses or something. I dont know enough about the impulse making process, other then I tried making them and failed

There is just something about it that doesnt sound "real". I dont get that quality with other impulses I have tried. Could just be EQ settings and what not, who knows. Could be the combo of AxeFX and Recabinet together?

Ola, was this done using the AxeFX?
I dont think so really, cause all of Ola's other stuff isn't like this. I dunno maybe its the way he does his impulses or something. I dont know enough about the impulse making process, other then I tried making them and failed

There is just something about it that doesnt sound "real". I dont get that quality with other impulses I have tried. Could just be EQ settings and what not, who knows. Could be the combo of AxeFX and Recabinet together?

Ola, was this done using the AxeFX?

Signal chain:
Ibanez RGD2120---Mesa Boogie Dual Rectifier direct signal---Apogee One---Logic 9---Recabinet 3 plugin