YT: Seymour Duncan pickup test!

Ola Englund

Only gay in the village
Dec 1, 2001
Stockholm, Sweden
7 Seymour Duncan pickups up to the test.

Did a metal test using the pickups SD sent me. Now that I think about it it would be even cooler to do clean DI of every pickup but I recorded everything
through my Axe Fx2. For preset go here:

Anyway the first half of the video is with backing track and the other half is with Guitars only. Short links to every pickup can be found in the description of the video.


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Digging the Full Shred and Duncan Distortion on cans.

The alternative 8... what happened there? That would be an awesome pickup to overdub ratty/super heavy sections on a record!

Where's the JB at?
I have the distortion and alternative 8; and to my ears there's clearly something wrong with the 8. It sounds like mine does when I use it on coil split mode. Are you sure your wiring was right Ola? . I know you're such an experienced guy, but that alt8 recording left me scratching my head. Of course it's different from the DD, but not THAT different
Alternative 8 Trembucker was the worse one

Invader was my fave, followed by the dimebucker

edit: ^yeah, sounds like its in split mode or something
yeah, I also say something is wrong with that Alt8, it's actually the in my opinion best duncan pup...sounds quite weird in this vid though....sounds like they're wired out of phase or something.

the Distortion (which is usually my second favourite duncan) is the winner for me in this vid, followed by the full shred

interesting way to hold your pick man, but great for you I guess

I liked Invader and Full Shred. Many of those sounded so much alike that I could make any of them work equally well for me. But generally I tend to thing SD pickups isn't my thing. The basslines bass pickups rock though!

+1 on the alternative split coil thing. :)
Yeah, I'm really digging the Full Shred here, which is surprising considering I absolutely hate it in my PRS. It seems to have this ice pick to the ears spike around 6K that is just unbearable. How did you have your eq set for this one? I find I've gotta dial the presence and treble waaay back to get a usable sound out of it.
I have to agree with most of you guys, Invader, Distortion and Full Shred sound best to my ears.
What the FUCK happened to that MTM2?

Or did you just messed up with the description?

EDIT: it's a sticker, isn't it?
For me it's Blackouts > Invader > Duncan Distortion. I was a huge active pup hater until I tried Blackouts. I still hate EMG though. :lol:
I liked the Duncan Distortion but... Oh man you need to include the JB. I want to listen it with that gear! It as great great pickup!