YT: Seymour Duncan pickup test!

haha the reason I hate doing vs. and comparison videos, there will always be people claiming it was done wrong, or people asking why I didn't do this and that.
But I still do them for I know most people LOVE comparison videos. Like with every demo I do, it's for you to get an opinion about the product, but don't base your total judgement only from that. Get out there try the product yourself in a store. It will definitely not sound the same when you play it. But you'll definitely know if it works for you or not.

Quoting my good friend Fred Brum:
"I check an Ola video, amp sounds great, cool! That might be something I have to look into. I drag my ass to a store, try it myself, well it sounded fairly alike. Now I can base my own opinion from my own experience"
I agree.

I like to see quality produced videos, too ;)

(btw see some of us, like myself, don't actually have a chance to test it out at the store, because simply guitar stores around here don't carry a lot of equipment for players to test it out. So we are forced to base our judgement mostly on internet clips/videos. Sad, I know.)

It was just a little weird to me, because on most audio gear shootouts on the forum people have attention to detail till the very last inch about all the factors involved in the shootouts, but not here.
btw see some of us, like myself, don't actually have a chance to test it out at the store, because simply guitar stores around here don't carry a lot of equipment for players to test it out. So we are forced to base our judgement mostly on internet clips/videos.

+1, my locals have got 100 strats, 50 les pauls and (almost entirely) line 6 amps. If they do have other gear you aren't allowed to play it because "I'll have to clean it after you use it"

Also I HATE it when you ask to try some gear and if you are trying an expensive guitar they give you a shitty amp or vice versa.

Lovely customer service round here, one of the assistants hadn't even heard of dimarzio.

I watch every one of your videos Ola, I think the comparison is close enough, other peoples hands will sound different anyway so if we go by the different guitar argument, surely your hands being different from everyone elses makes every vid you've done pointless? I like to believe your videos demonstrate the character of the gear. :Spin: