So my LINE2AMP arrived in the mail yesterday, and today I wired it up and had a chance to listen to it. There is definite coloration.
Here's what I did: I plugged my guitar into the MIC/INST input 1 on my MOTU audio express. Then I plugged a balanced TRS cable from analog output 3 of the audio express into the LINE2AMP, and then out from there into the MIC/INST input 2. Then I used the digital mixer on-board the MOTU to route the signal from MIC/INST 1 into analog out 3.
Now, I realize that the guitar signal coming from the LINE2AMP is going through the MIC/INST input one extra time, but it was the best I could think of. So obviously there is extra coloration there, and who knows, maybe the built in DI is the culprit. Either way, here are the sound clips:
EDIT: Sorry i took the audio files down to save webspace. Having thought about them for a few more days and listened several more times, i can say that generally speaking deLuther is right, and the difference is not that bad.
I'd be interested in your thoughts, but I'll share mine first:
The first one sounds better. And yeah, it does translate that way into the amp, i'm afraid. Again, we can't say for sure whether the problem is the LINE2AMP or the MIC/INST DIs in my MOTU, but either way I think the first clip sounds better.
I did my best to get the overall meter levels the same.
Here's what I did: I plugged my guitar into the MIC/INST input 1 on my MOTU audio express. Then I plugged a balanced TRS cable from analog output 3 of the audio express into the LINE2AMP, and then out from there into the MIC/INST input 2. Then I used the digital mixer on-board the MOTU to route the signal from MIC/INST 1 into analog out 3.
Now, I realize that the guitar signal coming from the LINE2AMP is going through the MIC/INST input one extra time, but it was the best I could think of. So obviously there is extra coloration there, and who knows, maybe the built in DI is the culprit. Either way, here are the sound clips:
EDIT: Sorry i took the audio files down to save webspace. Having thought about them for a few more days and listened several more times, i can say that generally speaking deLuther is right, and the difference is not that bad.
I'd be interested in your thoughts, but I'll share mine first:
The first one sounds better. And yeah, it does translate that way into the amp, i'm afraid. Again, we can't say for sure whether the problem is the LINE2AMP or the MIC/INST DIs in my MOTU, but either way I think the first clip sounds better.
I did my best to get the overall meter levels the same.