Zodiac :)

@rahvin: oh sure, while you're at it, why don't you take my lower arm as well? it's not so much that I'm generous and offering you a complete arm but I seriously wonder what you would use just my upper arm for, and I feel that my lower arm might be rendered rather useless if my upper arm was to be removed ;)

(sorry, I'm tired :grin: )
@northern lights: thanks for your kind offer. i just figured usually lower arms, being thinner than their upper counterparts, are less comfortable to write on.
you see, me being also very tired, i felt the need to crack this rather poor joke but then couldn't really pick any spot to write on. i ruled out your head as the result would have probably sounded rather aggressive (like me scooping your eyeballs out with a pen, or something), and then ruled out almost every other body part on account of a pure question of decency, gentlemanship and protocol. i was therefore left with your arm. hope you don't mind. ;)
@rahvin: oh no, it's all yours whenever you require it ;) just return it when you're done? I might get into one of those manic organizing moods... :D
The effect on people's psyche, I believe, might come more from a nurtured notion.. an induced psychological reaction, conscious or subconscious, to what the person might have heard or learned. If a person lives amongst a culture that fosters these values and things like astrology, divination, the paranormal etc.. are taught or even mentioned, then this person might react to something like, a full moon, because he or she 'believes' in its 'power' and its influences.

I can't totally argue that a full moon does not have overall psychological effects on a certain population.. because I have heard on many occasions about such interesting statistics.. but I'll sustain that it's not 'astral' powers or supernatural/religious influences that celestial bodies are claimed to have.
MagSec4 said:
but I'll sustain that it's not 'astral' powers or supernatural/religious influences that celestial bodies are claimed to have.
noone here claimed that astral bodies have "supernatural" or "religious" powers. it's rather that religions, astrology (meant as a form of psychology) and astronomy developed due to constant observation of astral bodies :)
there's nothing supernatural in solar systems and how each planet affects others
opacity said:
there's nothing supernatural in solar systems and how each planet affects others
so how do they affect each other then? i know about gravity, and i also have vague recollections about particles of matter travelling through the aeons from one planet/star to other planets/stars. this, to my knowledge, can hardly affect the human mind, unless you're a scientist and piss your breeches whenever someone mentions "gravity". :p so show me the rest. :)
@rahvin: i (read: me) am of the opinion that everything has an effect on anything/anyone else. not this very minute, not in some hours , but finally, it has.
as well as I'm of the opinion that nothing happens without reason. you don't see reason in my postings now. maybe not even in some months :lol: and maybe it leads you to ponder about totally unrelated things, but it will have an effect finally :)
even if it's only that you get very angry about me spamming here :grin: this already would be an effect, see? :p


have to add:
I can well imagine that the "secret" is simply energy. i suppose all can be reduced to energetic effects and affecting.
@Opa: :lol:, :)
Yeah, I agree..

Everything is Energy, methinks

*at loss for words right now*
*just wanted to let you know at least someone sorta might even understand somewhere what you sort of mean, you see? :p*
opacity said:
@rahvin: i (read: me) am of the opinion that everything has an effect on anything/anyone else. not this very minute, not in some hours , but finally, it has.
as well as I'm of the opinion that nothing happens without reason. you don't see reason in my postings now. maybe not even in some months :lol: and maybe it leads you to ponder about totally unrelated things, but it will have an effect finally :)
even if it's only that you get very angry about me spamming here :grin: this already would be an effect, see? :p
i see two paths here.

one involves at some point science, while the other deals with personal beliefs and faith. if you have a belief in such things as "everything affecting everything else", "nothing happening without a reason", and "all can be reduced to energetic effects", then there is not much sense in my discussing the object of your faith here. i might want to investigate its regulations, inner logic, and how it determines your behaviour and lifestyle, but i wouldn't definitely debate its validity, as it doesn't need to have any aside from the psychological act of faith. it is - quite obviously - an act of faith i do not share, but it is by no means less justifiable than any other assumption which is based on an emotion instead of factual evidence. i still think at some point you'll need a (shareable) definition for concepts such as "energy" and "reason" in your creed, if only to understand what it is that you believe in.

the other concerns the realm of things that can be proved through conventional science, be it physics or chemistry or human sciences such as psychology or logic. in this latter case i would need evidence of something having an effect on something else, and causality is quite a strict issue even though we all might know about the butterfly effect. you can argue that a particle from planet jupiter hitting me on the head can suddenly make me think about polar bears, therefore making my day much better, but i argue that this influence is completely irrelevant in the face of other much more present influences that make me think about the crappy day i'm having. in much the same way, it's quite different to say that everything has a cause or a reason. a reason is a motive, and it implies will, in a very western/christian way of thinking. now i refute that is simply a matter of science that all things have a purpose: at some point there has to be a leap of faith towards the idea that a certain act is inherently a purpose in itself.
the example about your posts here and my reaction as an effect is not really on topic. your posts are not everything, and thankfully i'm not everything either, and the cause-effect mechanism between your posting and my replying to you is hardly proof of anything else but itself. i could as easily say that a star has an effect on me because i'm feeling very sad right now and right now that star is pulsating faster than yesterday: no relation at all is proved, it's all an arbitrary decision of the observer of two phenomena who are as of yet unrelated.

as for "energy", i find this word either technically misplaced or a substitute for "bubu". do you even mean anything specific with it? or it's like saying "soul", "spirit", or "pretty soon"? ;)
well, an explanation i've heard about the moon's effect on people's behaviour, says that since people have a lot of water in their bodies, and we know moon and gravity cause tides and so on... kthxbye :p
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Siren said:
well, an explanation i've heard about the moon's effect on people's behaviour, says that since people have a lot of water in their bodies, and we know moon and gravity cause tides and so on... kthxbye :p
so it doesn't work with me because it just affects water and not alcohol? :)
@Siren: I read that too
I thoughth it was a weak excuse for men to be grumpy at least once per month, as a sort of compensation to the menstruation of women..! Really! :p Sorta pathetic, isnt it? :p

@Rahvin: You're:
a) Not a real man
b) Grumpy all the time
c) Just realllly bad at astronomy? :p (Like: when the moon is full etc?)

Or d) you live in a big cave beneath a mountain and nevar get to see the moon or feel 'our' earthling-gravitation :p



@rahvin: i've been thinking just like you some years ago (when we had these subjects at school).
then i came to this point:
i have to accept certain things, that i now do not understand yet, otherwise i'd have to be doubting my own self (my existence).

if you always go back one step, questioning the validity of the respective base you're on, you will come to the question: what is real, am I real, what is reality really. and then no science can give answers either. so you have to start from one point that you accept to be valid and true, no matter if it can be proven scientifically or not.

and: even science is a sort of "belief". namely, that you believe that tools and measuring device that mankind (!) has created, tells you facts. - why should i rely on these? they're were built and developed by human imagination and observations.
rahvin said:
so it doesn't work with me because it just affects water and not alcohol? :)
if you're picky, i'm picky too :heh:
you know the alcohol you consume is surely not 100% pure alcohol, but rather there's a high amount of water :p :p
opacity said:
noone here claimed that astral bodies have "supernatural" or "religious" powers. it's rather that religions, astrology (meant as a form of psychology) and astronomy developed due to constant observation of astral bodies :)
there's nothing supernatural in solar systems and how each planet affects others
Exactly. but they simply have nothing to do with the accepted laws of physics.. they're simply interpretations that aren't based on scientific facts.

Actually, some interpretations I still find bizarre.. for example, looking at a constellation, when I see 6 or 7 stars in a certain configuration the 'shape' it makes could be ANYTHING ..how the hell is it a polar bear?!, that's quite an imagination.

opacity said:
you know the alcohol you consume is surely not 100% pure alcohol, but rather there's a high amount of water :p :p
Not if you have Baccardi 151 :heh:
: p
I'm an Aries, and personally, I do see a lot of what the star sign says in me - coincidental or not..

I'm a Fire Tiger Chinese wise - its been a while since I looked at what that had to say, but again, iirc, its thing I find easy to relate to.
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