
That's my joke!


Come back here after god knows how long and start ripping off other peoples material, I don't know, kid's ain't got no respect nowadays mutter mutter

I've been using that joke for about 10 years, plus didn't read the middle page of this thread.

now I represent the league of Zombie Plumbers.

We here to fix the drains.

and so on and so forth.
I watched Resident Evil: Extinction the other night and after I'd heard good things about it, I was pumped - on the bourbon also;). It was visually awesome but no continuity and just idiotic far too often. I dont usually get up in arms about a movie but I could barely shut my mouth while i watched it. Great to have running in a nightclub on a big screen to music though.
Exactly. But when did running zombies come about?


That's a bit late to just change one of the most vital zombie attributes and still call them zombies.
Its funny, I can suspend my disbelief for running Zombies even though I completely agree with you, Lance. But when it comes to someone driving a truck complete with a plough on the front through a horde of Zombies and it rolls over BUT then a little 4wd can drive through the rest of the horde AND plough through the gates that were keeping out the hordes... wtf:goggly:
Exactly. But when did running zombies come about?

it actually came about 10 years earlier then that with a whole bunch of low budget Zombie films and then a few Japanese zombie flicks where they actually had the zombie of the school's track and field team chasing one of the main female characters.

Also, I must say, that the greatest zombie that I know is Dellamorte Dellamore
-an Italian zombie film (in English) about a man employed to stop zombies escaping from the local graveyard and his mental state and the moral dilemma of killing living humans.
great film but can't find it anywhere.
You know, what with zombies being dead and all you'd think they would run everywhere to make the most of things before they decomposed too much and couldn't go anywhere because, like, their legs had fallen off.
You know, what with zombies being dead and all you'd think they would run everywhere to make the most of things before they decomposed too much and couldn't go anywhere because, like, their legs had fallen off.

yeah good point!! you'd think they'd run around flatout and stockpile some choice cuts for when their limbs actually do fall off
Derrrr...do you think that the Americans would know whether it was Spanish or Italian when deciding to rename Mad Max "Road Warrior" ?


considering the population of immigrents and such who speak both languages, at least some would know but I think the studios did the usually thing of anything that sounds remotely foreign is changed so the idiot population doesn't feel stupid not knowing what it is or alienated for watching a foreign film.

and Mad Max 2 was called The Road Warrior because they never got Mad Max 1 and they are fucking retards. :)