Who will be the band this year to impress the most?


Apr 18, 2004
Coral Springs, FL
Haven't heard much discussion about this, unlike most years in the runup to Progpower.

For newbies to PP, there is always one band that impresses with an amazing performance and wins a lot of new fans in the process, sometimes causing a rush to the vendors to get some CDs. Headliners generally don't count, because chances are we all know the headliners already and we expect them to be on top of their game.

Most of the bands that really impressed in the past ended up in last year's lineup: Brainstorm, Pagan's Mind, Circus Maximus. I wasn't there, but I hear Sabaton brought the house down last year.

So who will it be this year? I think it will be DGM. This is an extremely talented band with something for both the power and prog fans, but without so much complexity that something gets lost in the translation live.
I doubt it. Not because I don't believe they'll give a great performance, they probably will. But simply because that style of music doesn't appeal to everyone. Most of the bands that end up becoming PP legends appeal to both prog and power fans. DGM is in that sweet spot. Oceans of Sadness' audience is going to be a bit smaller, no matter how well they perform.
Tougher call this year than others, but I'll say either Illusion Suite or DGM. DGM's stuff is so intense. However, on some of their live youtube stuff they don't come off as the most energetic group of guys.

Oh...and Delain I think has that potential as well.
I havent' seen DGM live videos, but I have seen the video for Hereafter. I really wish bands would perform live as energetically as they perform when they are filming a music video.

Yeah, I was thinking Illusion Suite might kick our asses pretty good too. Delain, I think they'll be solid and professional, but Charlotte's vocals are pretty smooth and easy going and the music is essentially heavy pop. I'm going to enjoy them, they are one of the primary reasons I'm going aside from the headliners, but I can't see Delain winning new fans or wowing people.

Remember, a lot of this is based on expectations. A band like Delain, or the headliners, people already know what to expect from them. It's the newer bands where people sit up and take notice. I assume almost everyone who goes to the fest knows who Hammerfall and Kamelot are, but I'd be surprised if even a bare majority have heard Illusion Suite's new album, so there's a "Hey, I have to check these guys' album out!" factor if they do really well.
Tarot....if we don't count the Thursday show, but if we are then Accept HANDS DOWN
Id have to agree that Im looking forward to Illusion Suite, it was a toss up on weather to even attend this year but it is progpower and a chance to hear new stuff you may have not activley seeked out if a fest like this didnt exist. So really since Im more of a prog fan Id like all the bands to do their best to put on a kick ass preformance...Im going to give all of them a listen.
I'd heard of DGM a number of years ago from Clint at Metalcdratings, but I never bothered to check out the band until a few weeks ago, probably the named "DGM" or something stupid like that. However, I own both of their latest two disks and I've been playing them non-stop! Easily my new favorite group. They have a perfect prog/power sound for me, and I hope they utterly crush at Progpower this year!
Based on past experience at Chicago Powerfest, I'm going to say Nocturnal Rites. They had a serious amount of buzz afterwards from people who had never seen them before - which was just about everyone - and especially from people who weren't familiar with their songs either. When I saw them, they were obviously having fun - which translates into more fun for the audience. Great singer.
