Recent content by adamrecordsbands

  1. adamrecordsbands

    Small format Mixer

    What's your budget dude?
  2. adamrecordsbands

    auto tune, or melodyne

    What about Elastic Pitch in PT8? Anyone tried that yet?
  3. adamrecordsbands

    Mesa Boogie Rectifier price

    Though I don't own one myself, I have been lucky enough to play one of the 2 channel Dual Rectos while I was on holiday in Devon a year or two back. Well worth the money spent on the holiday! haha. They are that good. I've heard the better ones were the ones manufactured circa '95, but I...
  4. adamrecordsbands

    Hughes an Kettner and Peaveys

    The 2x12 Valveking combo I've played sounded nice, very usable clean channel on it too. They make underrated amps for sure. The TriAmps sound killer for most applications (including metal), except for the Lifeson edition which I hear they really made a mess of.
  5. adamrecordsbands

    Tuning guitars and bass

    It's all to do with what the LEDs represent. Each LED potentially represents a value of 5 cents or more, so you're never 'exactly' in tune but close enough. Strobe tuning allows for accuracy of 0.1 of cent, so again, you're never exactly going to be in tune, but you're closer than you were with...
  6. adamrecordsbands

    Best free Virus Protection software?

    Amen brotha! I've been using AVG for years on my home PC though (WinXP) and never had an issue with it. Just does it's job.
  7. adamrecordsbands

    What band would you give your left nut to work with?

    Same here. Them or Deftones for me.
  8. adamrecordsbands


    Here's my final mix. I'm 95% happy with it so I might make a couple of changes in the coming days, but other than that I'm pretty happy with how it went! Check it out here. Let me know what you think guys.
  9. adamrecordsbands


    Sweet mix dude! What did you do for the guitars and snare?
  10. adamrecordsbands


    First of all holyhavok I'd like to say again that you & your band are really good and I'm really enjoying mixing this song because of this. Here's what I have after an hour and a half of playing: Son of Man First Mix Lots of work still to be done, snare is not great, some funny panning and I...
  11. adamrecordsbands

    Logic 8 users?

    Thanks for your help guys. Appreciated. :)
  12. adamrecordsbands

    Logic 8 users?

    Okay so this is all sounding fairly positive. I was having doubts on whether it was worth it after reading some of the other things on the internet about Logic. Does anyone have any recommended reading/videos on Logic 8 that they could share with me at all?
  13. adamrecordsbands

    Logic 8 users?

    Just wondering what your thoughts are on using this to track/edit? There's an amazing studio an hour or so drive from where I live that I may be engineering at soon, that uses Logic 8 primarily. They have PT LE 7.4 installed too, but I really don't want to track on it due to the max track...
  14. adamrecordsbands

    Ok, seriously - who the hell does Mesa think they are?

    I personally am not concerned about their high prices because I would never buy one new. In my local store, I've seen Dual Recto heads go for £1800 new, which is extremely unattractive considering the Framus Cobra head actually costs less, and has a nicer tone overall IMO. If the Recto sound is...
  15. adamrecordsbands


    Fair enough dude, that's understandable. I've just been reading through all your blogs too, thanks for making them proper gear-nerdy! Having a read through and learning a ton of stuff about your recordings. Looking forward to hearing how your move to E standard will go, it seems today people are...