Recent content by AshDLS

  1. AshDLS

    Good Bye My Friend

    This is the first time I've logged into my UM forum account in 2.5 years (mainly kept up to date with WoY stuff through Facebook) - don't know why, suppose I had to express thoughts similar to what other people have posted. Can't fucking believe it, just doesn't seem real. And the new album is...
  2. AshDLS

    Japanese Black Metal on Myspace - No friends, don't want any.

    Haha, Noism are a headfuck... unfortunately I don't have any of their CDs but I did have a few MP3s lying around, one was called English Teacher Is Merchant Of Death. Made me wonder if they were some kind of crazy Japanese nationalists. I usually only like drum machines in metal when it's...
  3. AshDLS

    The Wall of Ypres...

    I can't check out the pic right now (website maintenance or some nonsense) but thought this would be as good a place as any other to mention - Heaven Ablaze Records has Witching Black Records Compilation Vol. 1 featuring WoY (even though they're listed in the distro as "Woods of Pyres")... just...
  4. AshDLS

    Cello cover of "Allure of the Earth"

    Augh! Megaupload never works in bloody China! :( I'll have to wait until I'm back in Melbourne in three weeks, heh.
  5. AshDLS

    Did Dave Mustane screw over the Canadian band WARMACHINE?

    Uh, well, he had a big sook about having to play with Rotting Christ at a festival a while back. So now it's Megadeth and Job For A Cowboy, what is this, the tour of the worst band names ever?
  6. AshDLS

    You, the (woods)people! What kind of new shirts do you want to see?

    Ah, I'm always down for hoodies... the only problem is that I've told myself I can't buy any more black tops, got waaaaay too many. :P Grey t-shirts or hoodies would be awesome - not that weird marbled grey you see on tracksuit gear, but more of a dark grey. Any other kinds of merchandise in...
  7. AshDLS

    "Woods 3" Now Available for Order from The End Records!

    Holy crapola, I haven't logged into UltimateMetal for ages... must be a few months now. Anyway, bah, I'm in China until late February so I won't be able to get my WoY3 until I get back to Australia! :-\
  8. AshDLS

    Enslaved in the NY Times

    And cap off the "black metal trip" to Norway with a visit to the Elm St pub so you can see Fenriz wearing his pink pants.
  9. AshDLS

    Wolves in the ThroneRoom-Two Hunters

    That bit that kicks in around 6 minutes in Vastness and Sorrow completely owns my nuts. Easily in my top 3 of the year.
  10. AshDLS

    Looking for this compilation with Woods of Ypres...

    Ah, no longer unfortunately, I'm back in Australia now... sorry! Since it appears to be a handout/freebie I'm not sure of any online Japanese shops/distros that might carry it (these places and their websites are hard enough to find in the first place, argh). Hmm, no chance you could pester...
  11. AshDLS


    Go pick up Come On Die Young, it's an incredible album. Still heaps better than the vast majority of post-rock/post-metal albums of recent years. The soundtrack they did for the Zidane movie this year (last year?) was quite good too.
  12. AshDLS

    Ulver limited edition "Shadows..." package

    Awesome! Ordered! Thank goodness I didn't put in the pre-order at Jester Records, I reckon this deal is a lot better. Here's hoping TER ships the poster rolled up. :-\
  13. AshDLS

    Trivium steals riff off Opeth

    Ah... what the hell is going on when someone with a Gorgoroth icon is so familiar with Trivium to be able to make that call? Let me know when Trivium aren't ripping someone off.
  14. AshDLS

    Pursuit on e-Bay

    Aaaaand now Pursuit is back on eBay starting at $9.99. Aw, I'd bid a solid amount on that Against The Seasons demo if PayPal was accepted from international people. :(
  15. AshDLS

    RIP Joe Zawinul

    Hey, I would never ignore the 1993 bombing of the WTC.