Recent content by BitterHalt

  1. BitterHalt

    Lost to Apathy thoughts

    well, DT dissapointed me again, but still is as one of my favourite band. i don´t like Haven, i don ´t like Damage done and i don´t like Lost to Apathy :yuk: for me, DT brings nothing new last few years, i really like the old stuff :rock: Projector is the best album ever :worship: music is...
  2. BitterHalt

    Fredrik Johansson

    Come on, man! :Smokin:
  3. BitterHalt

    Fredrik Johansson

  4. BitterHalt

    Fredrik Johansson

    Hi fans! I was just wondering what former guitarplayer Fredrik Johansson is doing after he left the band. I wasn´t succesfull with may investigation, so I hope you can help. It looks like he parted way with :wave: music... :yell: Or hi didn´t?
  5. BitterHalt

    best new song

    Static, Cornered (it is a U2 cover ??? :-)) and No one. Can´t choose the only one.
  6. BitterHalt

    Question for longtime DT fans

    I am a huge fan of DT since The Gallery was released, and Projector is my favourite, second-to-none. But Gallery and The Mind´I both kicks ass too. To me, Haven and Damage Done aren´t such good. It´s not about quality, but the old feeling and songwriting is gone...I miss Johansson and also...
  7. BitterHalt

    "Final Resistance"...Best Dark Tranquillity Opener?

    and what about Dreamlore Degenerate??? fuckin´ strong opener! the same as Punish my Heaven. respect to Final Resistance, but...but....but...but can´t be compared to previous two masterpieces. no way. howgh
  8. BitterHalt

    Projector is the best album EVER!

    You know you are right!!! Projector is the best album I´ve ever heard. And fuck those who say it´s too slowly. Mikael´s clean vocals are excelent, I really love it as well as Anders´ drumming. Projector is the last real DT album, Haven was really shit comparing to Projector and Damage Done not a...
  9. BitterHalt

    Worse DT song evah'!

    krigsbarn , nice photo! :OMG:
  10. BitterHalt

    The least good song on Projector

    Some of you are kidding me. UnDo Control is one of the best track I´ve ever heard. The song I most dislike on Projector is On your time. Favourite: ´To a bitter halt´ with ´The sun fired blanks´ - extremly hard and extremly beautiful. But Projector doesn´t have weak passage a I don´t agree that...
  11. BitterHalt

    A short halt at lyrics

    Grrrreeeeaaaatttt music, we all know, but DT has something more that other bands will never have - lyrics. What´s you favourite message from Mikael Stanne´s pen (or Niklas Sundin´s)? I´m a FAN (with big letters) mostly of Projector lyrics, but this one also counts "And I never thought you...
  12. BitterHalt

    Is Projector Worth buying

    The Gallery, The Mind´s I, Projector - the strongest period of DT. And Projector was the biggest surprise, in positive meaning.