Recent content by bumpkins

  1. B

    Morning Thoughts?

    nice to know i'm not the only one who feels that today's music is ALL SHITTY. and not just because i'm thirty... i miss MTV so much..back in summer of '91 when they had the various music blox : street and hard blox were when bring tha noize was played, then u had your rock, hit, oh hell i...
  2. B

    OT: Britney is fat now, who will carry the torch?

    little bevvie marsh has really grown up since killing off pennywise. hard to believe same chick. and i know this without clicking the imdb there. i think other than seth green, she's the only one with a half decent career since then. that's it, u guys can carry on the spank thread...
  3. B

    Headbangers Ball 4-2-05

    i could't watch, not just because of all the fucking ads, and the print in the middle of the fucking screen during caught in a mosh, but it was too painful to watch. i started weeping because i'm a chick and the boys have been a big part of my life.... felt like i was back in high school when i...
  4. B

    new shit has come to light

    i think its great....fucking HEELARIOUS!!!!!!!!! sniff, wipe the eyes. :worship:
  5. B

    Son of a Peach!!!

    i feel so violated...i loved it!!! :loco:
  6. B

    What about Anthrax???

    oh, dutchy, i'm so sorry! here's to a quick recovery and i hope everythin goes well.
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    in memory of dimebag

    seance, thank you so much. i appreciate the effort. i know what happened, i was using my shortcut to the site. that's why. sorry to waste space.
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    in memory of dimebag

    but where is charlie's post? forgive me, i am a dumbass. if its on the site, i am not finding it.
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    i can't believe dime is gone....

    i've been perusing the internet for more info about what happened, but all i keep reading is what a good friend dime was, how amazing his guitar skills were, how he would never ferget a name after drinking with you and there was nothing bad said about this guy, he had respect from everyone he...
  10. B

    Aaaagggh! Dimebag shot in C-Bus!!!!

    vinnie, too? are u sure? that sonofabitch... how did he get a gun inside anyway? security that lax or did someone let him in? i don't wanna start the conspiracies but why did this happen? i'm still in shock.
  11. B

    So much for the meeting good girls at church theory....

    thank u, johnny. i don't check here that often, but damn, ty, u need to lay off.
  12. B

    Big Philosophical Question

    hank, then he would get kennedy to clean up what was left.
  13. B

    The Redskins lost. John Kerry will now win the election!!

    cain't we all just get along? TY,TY, TY its hard to believe this is the same little boy i was talking to in 95. i thought u would never grow up, now look atcha: causing all kinds of political dissent on an Anthrax board. back in then it was booze, masturbation and anthrax. who knew...
  14. B

    Frankie and Charlie together again..

    so its not a total meltdown....please frankie come back. even tho haven't seen the boys in 3.5 years, its not the same. no offence to vera.
  15. B

    saw latest vid on launch...(and it worked)

    and have to ask was the video edited before or after frankie left? seems like rob got more face time, playing the lead can do that, but hell uncle charlie got more face time and we know drummers are often ignored in vids. still so sad frankie is gone. deep sigh. great song, love that song...