Recent content by Dakk

  1. D

    Mftb 2005?

    No worries.
  2. D

    Terrible films you have seen...

    Don't be fooled by the previews. It's pretty predictable, I thought Kim Basinger's acting was f**king of the movie I sat there saying to myself "Why would you do that you fucking fool!?" shall I go on? NAMM was cool. Tiring, but generally an eye opener! Can't say I'd wanna...
  3. D

    Mftb 2005?

    O.K. I can't even *see* the Dungeon forum! Never mind. Glad it went well, heard good reports, generally.
  4. D

    Terrible films you have seen...

    I saw 'Cellular' on the way to the 'States a few weeks back. Avoid at all costs. Bad.
  5. D

    my first contender for album of the year

    Oh how I love double posts! *grumbles* New album!? Sweeeeeeeet!!!!! :hotjump:
  6. D

    my first contender for album of the year

    Hmmm - I've been re-discovering Testament lately! Fuck they're good! :rock:
  7. D

    Mftb 2005?

    Sounds like a great day missed! I had a call from a mate, mid gig & pissed. He said it was going off... talk about rubbing it in! :lol: Congrats on the awards too for everyone who got 'em. (Can't see the Dungeon forum anymore, so I've only been told about 'em) :rock:
  8. D

    Mftb 2005?

    Anyone got any reports? I wasn't there, so please give me the dirt! :err:
  9. D

    You know who's really quite a remarkable drummer?

    The Police are awesome musicians man! Try playing some of the guitar or basslines! The time Mr Copeland keeps is very very cool too!
  10. D

    Dungeon DVD (Discussion moved from the other thread)

    I'd just like to say something here.... for I have a vague recollection of (1)Playing in Dungeon in Japan, on the tour where the DVD footage was taken (2)Being in Dungeon...and I don't have a copy yet!!! Fucked if I'm going to PAY for it too! :Smug: TIMMAH!? :wave:
  11. D

    Stevo Leaves Dungeon

    :guh: Interesting theory, dude.
  12. D

    Stevo Leaves Dungeon

    If I was a rich man I'd put my house on it that Juz will be in DUngeon by November. ;) *yawn*
  13. D

    Really gay power metal song

    You think Dragonland are gay, Meka? :guh:
  14. D

    Best Australian beer

    :lol: That's gold, man! :lol: Favourite O.S beer is Kozel (Czech) & my favourite Oz beer is Hahn Premium... followed by James Squire (Pilsener)... I actually can't believe people drink Carlton Cold or VB. Cold gives me a hang over in about 3 mouthfuls & VB just makes me want to :Puke...
  15. D

    David Hookes Is Dead!!

    Apologies TinMan - your comments are great & while I respect your attitude I still don't like bouncers, full stop. I have to say that at least 90% of the ones I've encountered in my time - playing in bands or otherwise - has been negative. Around Manly in Sydney the clubs & pubs are over-run...