Recent content by deadheadWester

  1. deadheadWester

    Bloodbath´s Nightmares Made Flesh Guitar Sound

    The Free Filter Plug-in? Is that the name of the filter or do you just mean a random free filter? Stupid question perhaps. Ursäkta i sånafall. You did an amazing job on that album. :rock:
  2. deadheadWester

    best zombie movie

    I fucking love zombie movies!!! For me the nr1 is the remake of DAWN OF THE DEAD. I cant get enough of that one. (the original is kickass as well offcourse) Suck on that you inbreeds!
  3. deadheadWester


    What evere happened to the god damn video I heard about??? GIMME SOME ! ! ! :rock: :zombie::zombie::zombie:
  4. deadheadWester

    Now playing thread

    Naglfar - The Perpetual Horrors That song kicks so much ass! the video is cool as well!
  5. deadheadWester


    Thats really cool, I wast expecting it so soon, but I'm not complaining! =) And the DVD's coming up too, maybe I have it in 4months or so... Keep on bleeding brutality!!!!
  6. deadheadWester review of Unblessing the Purity

    Another good review. ROCK ON!!!
  7. deadheadWester

    Which is your fave song from Unblessing The Purity?

    I had to download the motherfucker since I was so damn hungry for it! =) My vote is for WEAK ASIDE. Awesome song!
  8. deadheadWester

    Unblessing The Purity Review

    Damn it! Im lossing my mind over here!!!! I STILL havent gotten the MCD even though I payed it like a month ago..=( I'm loosing out on everything you are saying PITTY ME!!!!!!!!!
  9. deadheadWester

    Tumnbath - Like Swanö

    I love it! It's just that simple!
  10. deadheadWester

    Metalocalypse season 2

    DETHKLOK RULES!!! KILL ME NOW!!! I just love the show! I've seen all the episodes thats been aired from the second season (only 6 episodes so far) and they're brutal as hell "BLACK THEN THE BLACKEST BLACK TIMES INFINITY"
  11. deadheadWester

    The Wacken DVD

    why should you hate behemoth??? when did behemoth go wrong???
  12. deadheadWester

    Death Metal Bands

    Left hand path is awesome!!!
  13. deadheadWester

    Bloodbath on Facebook

    Yeah! There's the update we've been wating for =) hehe
  14. deadheadWester

    Online music project

    I could do it in Cubase SX, a much more advanced program!
  15. deadheadWester

    Online music project

    Hey man! Your forgetting someone!!! :kickass: Im at work with this one as well! I've sent some of the riffs to HellPossum, and as soon as I have some more I will post it here! :rock: