best zombie movie


vic firth 2b
Apr 24, 2008
i just saw 28 weeks later
its awesome some sick scenes and the soundtrack is great too!

few of my favs are

Evil Dead
Dawn of the Dead
Return of the Evil Dead
The Zombie Dead

cant beat a good sleazy zombie movie.
28 DAYS is way better. :)

Braindead, all romero, evil dead - dead by dawn :)

And an really awesome zombie game that totally kick ass is Left 4 dead! buy it!
i guess i gotta see days then
weeks kicked my ass good! i didnt like the romeros as much!
28 Weeks was good for the helicopter sequence for sure...

Here's some of my favorites (cream of the crop in bold):

Night of the Living Dead
Dawn of the Dead (original)
Day of the Dead
Dawn of the Dead (remake)
Land of the Dead (it's not as good as I wanted it to be, but it's still good)
The Beyond
House by the Cemetary
Gates of Hell/City of the Living Dead
Re-animator (it qualifies, sorta...)
Return of the Living Dead 1-3
White Zombie
Zombie Holocaust
Tombs of the Blind Dead
Redneck Zombies (it's awesomely bad)
Black Sunday
Haha. I cant believe someone else has seen Redneck Zombies. Nothing like evil moonshine to fuel the bloodshed.

I never saw Diary but I am interested in seeing it eventually. I kind of figured it wouldn't be that great.

We should just get a general "Horror movie thread". I almost made one several times since horror movies comes up quite often on this board. Problem is that basically every forum has that thread, not sure anyone has much left to say on the subject

Also.. Who here has seen Dead Snow? Opinions? I still need to see it
Haha, I would post in a horror movie thread every day. :p

As for Diary of the Dead....personally I didn't like it. The idea was okay, but the casting director should be banned from making movies, because the entire cast was complete shit. Not a single likable character in the bunch.

Not only that, but George Romero really fisted the viewer with the social commentary this time. He's known for it, especially in the "...of the Dead" movies, but usually it still plays out naturally. In this movie, it really feels like at any point the actors could look at the camera and say "See...this is bad. Do you get the point I am trying to make in this movie?".

It's just not good. If you want to keep your respect for Romero intact, I would recommend not watching it.

You just made my eyes bleed. *cry*
Not saying anything bad about the remake...but Dawn of the Dead and camp are two things that do not belong in the same sentence. Just because something is old doesn't automatically make it campy. ;)

Haha, dude I'm 31, don't tell me about old :p

Nah, in all seriousness, I just disliked the acting/storyline/zombies in the original. Hated it, in fact. Just because something is old doesn't make it a classic. ;)
In this case, I can safely say that it is in fact a classic.
It's just one that you do not enjoy, which is fine.

I think the correct term would be...Just because it's a classic, doesn't mean everyone has to like it. ;)
(For example, Casablanca is a classic...but I have zero interest in EVER watching it)
I fucking love zombie movies!!! For me the nr1 is the remake of DAWN OF THE DEAD.
I cant get enough of that one. (the original is kickass as well offcourse)
Suck on that you inbreeds!
The remake is actually quite shit, IMO. All the original movies are.... hah, how do I explain this... just because they put much more effort in the special effects ~20 years ago, it makes them more awesome. I don't like stuff that gets edited so much that you don't actually know what's real or not anymore.
Oh, and Død Snø is awesome.
I liked the Dawn Of The Dead remake myself, I found the original to be way too camp for my liking.

i loved the new one, watching the old one today

Haha, I would post in a horror movie thread every day. :p

As for Diary of the Dead....personally I didn't like it. The idea was okay, but the casting director should be banned from making movies, because the entire cast was complete shit. Not a single likable character in the bunch.


fair enough, i can totally agree the charecters were forgettable at best, also zombie holocaust, looks good but i got one in another language...
Can't get enough of Night Of the Living Dead (1968 grayscale version ftw grim und glūmy), Dawn Of The Dead and Day Of the Dead. Only the originals make your stomach churn... Seriously, in my opinnion - the remakes are only good for when you have your girlfriend over, or you and your drunken buddies wanna make funny voiceovers (Mute the dvd player, and "voice" the actors).