Recent content by Demilich

  1. Demilich

    Gaming Thread

    Awkward controls?!? Madness!
  2. Demilich

    Gaming Thread

    Only Fromsoft game I have played is DS1 Remastered, which I am currently wrapping up on ng+. Just beat Kalameet after a couple days of getting my ass handed to me. Demon's Souls sounds like a good choice. Where it all started.
  3. Demilich

    Gaming Thread

    Not sure if I should start with Demon's Souls once my PS5 arrives or catch up on Blooborne and DS3 first. Anyone?
  4. Demilich

    My Latest Purchases Thread Mk. III

    Finally secured a PS5 disc version yesterday.
  5. Demilich

    Potentiam - Bálsýn

    I stumbled on this band last year on YouTube and wondered why it hadn't got more rep on RC.
  6. Demilich

    Gaming Thread

    TIL what Rocket League is
  7. Demilich

    Gaming Thread

    My girlfriend and I are currently on the penultimate boss, an oh man it has been a challenge. In fact, the whole reason I went back to Dark Souls was to reclaim the feeling that I knew what i was doing somewhat. Cuphead is highly recommended though.
  8. Demilich

    My Latest Purchases Thread Mk. III

    Details! We need de-tails!
  9. Demilich

    Gaming Thread

    Another case of the art style turning me off of a game I would probably love. I've read enough about it that now I am just waiting for it to be available on a platform I own.
  10. Demilich

    Gaming Thread

    Sold! Though I never finish any of the other Metroidvania games I own, such as Timespinner and Axiom Verge.
  11. Demilich

    Gaming Thread

    Hollow Knight... please someone convince me to buy it. I know it's great but can't get past the art style.
  12. Demilich

    Gaming Thread

    I've only played the first one (Remastered) because it is on the Switch, and I don't have a PC other than my work laptop at the moment. I am dying to play III, hearing II was a bit of a misstep. I must get a new gaming PC together but the GPU market is such a mess!
  13. Demilich

    Gaming Thread

    I am playing Dark Souls on ng+ with a melee build and Manus is kicking my ass so far. Send help.
  14. Demilich

    TV Shows

    You're right, it's dark and heavy. I'm still fucked up over a certain character's untimely death. I agree, though the ending seem popular with critics, something about it did not sit quite right with me. Maybe the bar was raised too high over the run of the show, setting an impossible expectation.
  15. Demilich

    TV Shows

    I enjoyed the first couple of seasons of Big Mouth but have no desire to watch more for some reason. Bojack on the other hand I could probably re-watch the whole thing.