Recent content by Elminster

  1. Elminster

    Freternia is back!

    Thanks for listening, and I'm glad you like it! I try to go for a spread of different tempos, but out of the four tracks, 'Witcher' is the only real fast one.
  2. Elminster

    Sequester - Nameless One EP (Heavy/Prog)

    Glad to hear you like the songs! And thanks a lot for the offer, I'll be sure to remember that.
  3. Elminster

    Freternia is back!

    Bah, I saw the new thread and got all excited for some new Persuader news. For shame, good sir! I don't go advertising Sequester's brand new EP which is available now for free at your nearest Sequester website (such as here: :Saint:
  4. Elminster

    Sequester - Nameless One EP (Heavy/Prog)

    Nameless One, the latest release from Sequester, is now available to download for free at in the MEDIA section. All songs are also available to stream from, as well as Here's a quick link to the rar file...
  5. Elminster

    How many people actually use the tubescreamer??

    I use the PODxt for recording, and can say confidently that the tube screamer there sounds very much like the boss SD-1, which I also own. I've done direct comparisons, and the difference is quite subtle. I use to record with the tubescreamer all the time, but not on my recent stuff. In terms...
  6. Elminster

    Sneak Preview... at last!!

    Awesome stuff, Emil. The new SC track is sounding great too.
  7. Elminster

    Sequester - Winter Shadows (Heavy/Thrash/Power/Prog metal)

    Hey guys, The first full length release by Sequester is now finished and available to purchase over at You can also stream the whole album at: Or listen to a few tracks at MySpace...
  8. Elminster

    Sequester - Winter Shadows (Heavy/Thrash/Power/Prog metal)

    Hey guys, The first full length release by Sequester is now finished and available to purchase over at You can also stream the whole album at: Or listen to a few tracks at MySpace...
  9. Elminster

    Best Pedals - Best Tones

    For the longest time I was using one of those Digitech Grunge pedals. Surprisingly good metal tone IMO.
  10. Elminster

    Me jamming with Mikael Akerfeldt

    Man that was awesome. I'm green with envy.
  11. Elminster

    Go vote for Watershed as Album of the Year!!

    Well it has certainly been my favourite album of the year. VOTED~
  12. Elminster

    Introduce Yourself - the n00b thread

    The movie will be awesome :) I can't wait.
  13. Elminster

    Introduce Yourself - the n00b thread

    I've been here off and on, mostly browsing and not posting too much... so I thought I'd say hello! I've been into Opeth for a while now, and the new album is great. Currently addicted to 'Burden.'
  14. Elminster

    PERSUADER to enter studio in May

    I wouldn't say Efraim's recording style takes longer than micing a kit. If anything, using samples saves tons of time should there need to be any changes made to the tracks.
  15. Elminster

    Vancouver show 05/07/2008

    I had an exam so wasn't able to make it to the show :( Maybe they'll come to Victoria next time and make my life easier.