Recent content by panzer0x

  1. P

    [tech death]

    Looking forward to the album!
  2. P

    Sunsetriders - Mariachi/Heavy Metal!

    Our demo/ep, "The Mighty Ironhorse" is recorded and will be released in a month or so. In the meantime you can listen to 2 out of 4 tracks at; Namaste, Erlend, Sunsetriders.
  3. P

    Inferno 2006

    Takk for svar. Trivelig å se både deg og Lars på samme dag. Nå er det hjem og øve. :)
  4. P

    Inferno 2006

    Forventer også Leif Juster og Vintersorg duett; "(Fjols) Till Fjälls". :lol: Bruker du mye limiter/compressor live? Eller plukker de doble Bartolini'ene(?) opp det meste? Vanskelig å få streite sekstendeler så reint i livesammenheng med trefingersteknikk. Spiller GWB selv og er det jeg...
  5. P

    Inferno 2006

    That's a fucking shame. Bolt Thrower was by far the best concert on Inferno this year.
  6. P

    Inferno 2006

    Good gig last night! Much better than the '01 performance. Only letdown was the sound. Bass drum was all we heard from Asgeir. Oh, and Leif Juster kicked ass. Damn fine intonation!
  7. P


    If we're talking cheap, I'd go with a Yamaha. More fuck for the buck. I'd invest in a more expensive instrument if I were you though. Usually pays off in the end.
  8. P

    Bass Overdrive pedal

    I have the Ibanez PD7 Phat-Hed, and it works like a charm. Blends really well with most metal distortion, at least as far as woody basses go. Haven't tried it on a graphite yet. I also have the Tech 21 Bass Driver DI, which I wouldn't really recomend for distortion, but works like a charm...
  9. P

    Gates of Adamantine - To Strangle Every Breath A song from our upcoming demo. Norwegian semi-tech. Black/Death. Demo will probably be out late spring/Summer. Check it out and give me feedback. :dopey: Namaste, Erlend
  10. P

    What Happened T Your Beautiful Hair Øystein!?

    Stop caring about hair and focus on the music, glambitches. :P
  11. P

    Sadus Tour Finalized!!!

    Day 2 of the Inferno festival tomorrow! SADUS!
  12. P

    Fantasy books

    Agreed! I generally hate fantasy, but this bookseries has wits, plots, violence, and is extremely well written. :rock:
  13. P

    Vintersorg/Borknagar......Frontman.....Why Steve DiGiorgio....?

    Steve is on the new one indeed. I actually think I like Visions... better than the new one, but that may change. I've only got it from internet, so I will probably appreciate it even more when it gets out and I can get the booklet in my hands and the CD spinning on my stereo. Albums lose some of...
  14. P

    Bands of the V

    Cowboy Metal is taken by my band, so stay away from that genre :P
  15. P

    Sadus in the Inferno 2004 festival???

    :worship: 'Nuff said. 3-day pass is allready bought, I allmost wet myself when I saw that you guys were playing!