Recent content by The God of Hellfire

  1. T

    bush vs donna

    bush is better than donna because bush has a heavier more metal singing voice. bush is growley yet still comprehendible. Bush writes lyrics that are far more mature and complex than anything donnna has ever written or the band has written for him. bush also looks like a thrasher where as donna...
  2. T

    non blockbuster movies that kick ass

    we all know about star wars, indiana jones, and all the other huge mainstream movies but what are you favorite non-big buck movies? here are mine: falling down super troopers boondock saints memento montypython and the holy grail underworld the big lebowski suicide kings way of the gun...
  3. T

    what year did metal die in the ass?

    i don't know what year it died in your ass but it died from the mainstream in '96 with the load album. metallica controls what hqppens with metal in the mainstream. i guarantee if metallica's next album is oldschool hard core thrash then thrash metal will be back. if metallica's next album is...
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    What kind of singing do you like the most?

    I like the growley thing i guess. mostly i like it to be hard but still br able to hear what the lyrics are so james hetfield and jonh bush are ideal. falsetto is ok for a while or as a joke. one of the bands i'm in has a falseto singer he's awesome but i end up laughing every time i hear him...
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    President Fox

    fox isn't the only one. I ve been to mexico a few times and more than couple had negative opinions about black people. and the million man march on mexico?
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    Mr Milano is back!

    oh i can't wait to see that following every post followed by an inability to post because god forbid someone disagree with a dumbass
  7. T

    New Mudvayne or Judas Priest ?

    if you're a big enough jackass to be asking this question you should probably be a good little boy and buy the mudvayne, priest is not for you.
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    Mr Milano is back!

    yeah we'll see if he learned to be nice or at least be civil. it's one thing to speak your mind and it's quite another to act as he did.
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    amazing how hetfield told hamett to play mustaine's shit on kill 'em all note for note and he did but that is some of the best guitar solo shit put down on an album ever. the man who wrote it deserves more credit than the man who copied it but unfortuneately that isn't the case here.
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    A true rock god is on Letterman tonite:

    i can't believe i saw this post too late to see the show. but yeah plant looks rough but he's just as good as ever. got his new albums it's no zepp but its unique and stand alone great anyway.
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    Remember Guitar Solos?!

    i'm in two bands now and the one that loves the punk is all about playing all the time and wants gigs and is totally in love with playing. the other band is talented as hell. they can play maiden, pantera, old metallica, hendrix, clapton, a million hair metal songs, etc and it's like pulling...
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    Remember Guitar Solos?!

    exactly. i've bitched about this a few time previously but hey this bs is still going on, there are still bands playing guitar solos but it's gone from the mainstream completely. metallica quit the solos on their last album and even after kirk took lessons from the great satriani. that album...
  13. T

    The new Anthrax logo...

    everyone should be able to express their own opinion just so long as it goes with what i think or you suck or should leave or are gay or whatever. cause that's what america is all about. why aren't you gone yet? :grin:
  14. T

    24 years don't mean shit

    it's my birthday. post what you want. just make it towards something that's changed your life. he drank and had no intention of making a ride home. now he's dead. so make a point of getting your ass home safe. end of story.