

New Metal Member
Apr 4, 2005
Has anyone ever heard of the Metallica demo:No Life Till Leather? I have a copy and am wondering if anyone has any idea what the worth of this may be.

Funny thing is,I picked this up back in 90 or 91 for $4,someone screwed up and had this stuffed in the local section at the local music store. I had read somewhere back around 93 that it was fetching $90 from collectors but haven't heard about it in years,in fact till a friend asked about it the other day I almost forgot I had it.
amazing how hetfield told hamett to play mustaine's shit on kill 'em all note for note and he did but that is some of the best guitar solo shit put down on an album ever. the man who wrote it deserves more credit than the man who copied it but unfortuneately that isn't the case here.
Only an original would bring that much money. It's been bootlegged so many times that only an original tape is worht anything. The chances of you finding an original tape in a store are pretty slim...not impossible, but very unlikely.
If theres an original wont lars and/or james have it? it got around via tape trading so there must be hunderds of the fukerz out there. Did that tape really go around the world? i remember reading they made euro fans off that tape!
I have it too!
i actually have a few older demos than that as well. it was bootleged onto cd in the early 90's. there were many copies made. i got mine from an old bootleg shop on the seaside hights boardwalk. the only songs from kill em all not on no life till leather are no remorse and whiplash.
i love that demo, its just so fucking raw, mustaine is awesome on it too........finally saw some kind of monster the other day, and mustaines part in it really bummed me out..........he's awesome

but yeah no life til leather just rocks balls.......nevermind the fact its pretty much 20 yr old pissheads, playing the shit out of their at 20 i could barely play a nirvana choon ;)
lokey said:
i love that demo, its just so fucking raw, mustaine is awesome on it too........finally saw some kind of monster the other day, and mustaines part in it really bummed me out..........he's awesome

but yeah no life til leather just rocks balls.......nevermind the fact its pretty much 20 yr old pissheads, playing the shit out of their at 20 i could barely play a nirvana choon ;)
heh heh! Im 21, doing a music course at uni and i can barely play enter sandman!(rhythm only!). and the next song i wanna attemt to learn is Mastodon-blood and thunder! wish me luck! :tickled:
heh....good luck !!!...........defo keep practising thats fer sure, i am 29 now....and not that much further on .....damn weed ;)
Well the thing that threw me off was : why the hell am I buying a blank cassette with a photo copied cover,but at the time I was such a big fan and it was something I didn't have that it didn't matter...then I read in a book that that was actually the 1st demo put out by Hetfield...Cliff isn't even on it.But I have it and I probably played it twice in the last 15 years.
lokey said:
i love that demo, its just so fucking raw, mustaine is awesome on it too........finally saw some kind of monster the other day, and mustaines part in it really bummed me out..........he's awesome QUOTE]

"Boohoo Lars, I sold million of records all over the world and I never need to work in my life, waaaaahhhh"
Ross___ said:
lokey said:
i love that demo, its just so fucking raw, mustaine is awesome on it too........finally saw some kind of monster the other day, and mustaines part in it really bummed me out..........he's awesome QUOTE]

"Boohoo Lars, I sold million of records all over the world and I never need to work in my life, waaaaahhhh"

"Now I'm going to go home to my ranch where my studio, hot Dutch wife and royalty cheques await me."
My God, Musatine's kids are named Justice and Electra. I don't think he could be any more obsessed over the Metallica thing. What's the next kid gonna be named...Saint Anger???
DiscipleOfThePit said:
*Dave cries*

'How will little Justice and Electra survive with less money than I could of got from being in Metallica! No! The royalties from 20 million albums simply won't do. Now, back to writing shit albums... '

...shit albums?