concert with Metallica.

ontherocks82 said:
Point out where it demonstrated that I was offended at being called LarsQUOTE]

I am corrected, you did not outright state offense. You did however make a point by point, even numbered them, and then asked where the warrent in calling you Lars was. I guess from there my assumption was that it affected you on some level.
tomass74 said:
What does Dave Mustaine have to do with this???

Anyway.. St. Anger sucked.

Load sucked

Re-Loaded sucked

All other singles they have released since the black album suck

James butchers classic songs live because he thinks he can sing now.

They tried to sue their fans for downloading music.

Fuck Metallica

I agree with this post from top to bottom. Who the fuck told James he could sing anyway?
MetalliMegaSlaye said:
Anyone hear the rumors? I heard that Anthrax is going to open up for Metallica at the next Metallica tour! That is going to rival the Metallica/Guns N' Roses Tour... Opinions?

no ... Metallica should be the opening band for Anthrax....
Anthrax opening for Metallica is good for Anthrax, bad for Anthrax fans... that's probably the easiest way to put it
House of Seance said:
Anthrax opening for Metallica is good for Anthrax, bad for Anthrax fans... that's probably the easiest way to put it

I wouldn't pay money for a full concert ticket to only hear Anthrax play a handful of songs and then sit through Metallica(assuming) playing mostly their newer stuff and very little tracks between Kill em - ...and justice.
ThraxSA said:
I wouldn't pay money for a full concert ticket to only hear Anthrax play a handful of songs and then sit through Metallica(assuming) playing mostly their newer stuff and very little tracks between Kill em - ...and justice.
Antrhax would need at least a 90 minute set for me.

then I'd have to sit thru tallic's 4 hr sound ck and get idoiots throwing $5 beers and $4 sodas over my head.
If this rumour ever came true they would need to play the Long Beach Arena and open up the floor like they did for Priest Feast, Slayer\Pantera and the Bob Marley Festival!!
Dredd74 said:
I think Mustaine is more of a whiney ass puss than Lars. Like ontherocks sig says, it's been how many fucking years now and the guy still cries over being kicked out of Metallica. GET OVER IT!!!!! I dig Megadeth, ALOT, but Mustaine has been a bigger dick over the years than Lars if ya ask me

i completely disagree.