Recent content by thedogbar

  1. thedogbar

    The Books/Reading Thread

    getting around to reading nick caves books soon sometimes when you check work that musicians have done in other mediums it's pretty bad, but he's a great lyricist/storyteller so i'm not too worried
  2. thedogbar

    The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

    sometimes you just gotta
  3. thedogbar

    The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

    listening to pagan altar and eating store brand cheese puffs that ive grown to like more than cheetos
  4. thedogbar

    If Mort Divine ruled the world

    MRA fantasyland is a novel place
  5. thedogbar

    If Mort Divine ruled the world

    yeah i have no fucking clue what this guy is even saying lmao. looks like some kind of bizarre white pride ad lib
  6. thedogbar

    The thread where you talk about non-metal music you like.

    how into hip hop is this forum
  7. thedogbar

    Traditional Doom Metal

    i dig it. it's muddy and dirty while still shooting for classic doom grandiosity. the vocals remind me a lot of The Old Ones (who i can't manage to find anywhere except for spotify lol)
  8. thedogbar

    Traditional Doom Metal

    sometimes i don't listen to warning for awhile and i forget how much the strength to dream just fucking floors me. the riffing and pat's vocals on the return are just both absolutely massive.
  9. thedogbar

    Metal 2015

    finally got around to this. was a little skeptical because of some of the honestly underwhelming quality singles and whatnot being released. but it delivered fully and i'm sorry for doubting khal drogo.
  10. thedogbar

    The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

    listening to the mountain goats and relaxing in the middle of the night
  11. thedogbar

    If Mort Divine ruled the world

    You seem to really be certain that everyone who disagrees with your way of thinking falls outside of the white male group, that seems pretty "us and them" to me bro.
  12. thedogbar

    Female facial beauty

    i like the part where you equate this forum to a group of unruly children
  13. thedogbar

    Female facial beauty

    what stuff, discussion of this threads topic?
  14. thedogbar

    The Most Annoying Thing On Facebook?

    honestly the worst thing about facebook is probably the people who endlessly rant about facebook