Traditional Doom Metal

sometimes i don't listen to warning for awhile and i forget how much the strength to dream just fucking floors me. the riffing and pat's vocals on the return are just both absolutely massive.
My friend's band Orogen has a new EP on SKR. Check it out duders.

+1 for Majesty in Ruin. This rules.

i dig it. it's muddy and dirty while still shooting for classic doom grandiosity. the vocals remind me a lot of The Old Ones (who i can't manage to find anywhere except for spotify lol)

From Beyond the Stars.
I love that they namedropped Electric Wizard when in reality it's just Ramesses with Lee on vocals, trying to get mega hype with that one.
I've bought the entire Zebulon Pike discography and every album is amazing, including the latest. 7$ a pop online/amazon, do it suckers.