The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

Mega lazy day. Just bought a new potted plant to feel productive, sansaveria are supposedly indestructible so we'll see how that goes. I already put all my dinosaur and snake figurines in its soil. Old plant couldn't hang.

My mom's goin to florida and gonna keep her eyes out for a saguaro for me. That's been our goal for months, even have a barrel-looking pot to put it in. Hard to find a decent saguaro in the mitten.
Not much, just sold my new guitar for 50 dollars. It was not a bad guitar and I did not pay to much and know she ripped me off, but I really needed some cash. oh well and life goes on...
Spent the morning ripping out carpet. For some reason there were a ton of razor blades under the carpet.

I'm drunk right now but I know the answer. As they were cutting the carpet to fit, it quickly dulls razor blades. They were most likely just being lazy and left them under the carpet.

I'm drinking tequila and apple juice because I don't know why the fuck. My lady talked me into renting Unfriended and Jesus fucking Christ this is awful beyond awful.
Listening to Brahms and procrastinating finishing up the rough draft of my Fulbright grant essay.

I went out with a Russian girl I haven't spoke with in a few months earlier this evening. We were supposed to see Baltimore's orchestra perform Rachmaninoff's second piano concerto, but because it was opening night for the season, student rush tickets weren't available and $100 for two tickets was more than I wanted to pay. It was a good Costanza moment. We went to dinner instead. Her accent is really thick, so conversations can be difficult, but she reads Dostoevsky, so who cares.
Not much, just sold my new guitar for 50 dollars. It was not a bad guitar and I did not pay to much and know she ripped me off, but I really needed some cash. oh well and life goes on...

I'm actually on the market for an axe, trying to turn my Electronics/Noise project into a Sludge band.
Listening to Brahms and procrastinating finishing up the rough draft of my Fulbright grant essay.

I went out with a Russian girl I haven't spoke with in a few months earlier this evening. We were supposed to see Baltimore's orchestra perform Rachmaninoff's second piano concerto, but because it was opening night for the season, student rush tickets weren't available and $100 for two tickets was more than I wanted to pay. It was a good Costanza moment. We went to dinner instead. Her accent is really thick, so conversations can be difficult, but she reads Dostoevsky, so who cares.

are you sure you're not Onder?
drinking. just got back from an 80s dance party, and i have the biggest headache. I'm pissed they didnt play any fucking micahael jackson… what kind of 80s party doesn't play michael jackson?

im sipping on ginger ale and some whiskey.
Drinking to try and cure my pain. I rarely drink because I get a wicked headaches from hell, but I do it anyways,
relieving the pain for the time being is worth it. I'm a chain smoking and am pretty sure puked up blood this morning. I do sometimes. I puked up nasty ass shit.
that sounds fun actually

i told myself no snacks today but then I had a chocolate bar and some crisps (chips to you)