The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

Took the day off work to drive down to Encinitas to see Celeste.

Facebook announced a show down there, so I went to get tickets and I think the show announcement was a mistake.


Took the day off work to drive down to Encinitas to see Celeste.

Facebook announced a show down there, so I went to get tickets and I think the show announcement was a mistake.



I was supposed to be seeing Abbath, Primordial and Conan next week but it was rescheduled to January.

A bit disappointed as Abbath's set looked like it was going to be a best of Immortal and I but the new show is gonna be for the launch of the debut Abbath album so I guess that should be cool.
Passed through the library on the way home and their sale section is now a take for free section, found some graphic novels, Superman/Batman: Enemies Among Us, The Dark Knight: Archives vol. 2, Superman: Earth One and Batman: The Long Halloween.

Bargains rule but nothing beats free.
We're in the midst of transitioning broker dealers and have a lovely gal in the office to assist in the new processes involved. My boss has both hit on, and run a sales pitch on her.

Bless his heart, dude. Cracking the fuck up.
DD is back from the dead. Not that anyone probably cares, just sayin. Input for my charger got fucked up.
I remember the episode where butthead was trying to get beer all night and at the end off the episode he buys a 6 pack of non-alcoholic beer. If that's not funny I don't know what is.
Passed through the library on the way home and their sale section is now a take for free section, found some graphic novels, Superman/Batman: Enemies Among Us, The Dark Knight: Archives vol. 2, Superman: Earth One and Batman: The Long Halloween.

Bargains rule but nothing beats free.

:kickass: The Long Halloween is the shit man! One of the best Batman books around and probably the best book Jeff Loeb has written to date. Dark Victory is a pretty bad ass follow up too.
:kickass: The Long Halloween is the shit man! One of the best Batman books around and probably the best book Jeff Loeb has written to date. Dark Victory is a pretty bad ass follow up too.

Fuck really? Awesome! I'd never heard of it so that's fucking killer!

I remember the episode where butthead was trying to get beer all night and at the end off the episode he buys a 6 pack of non-alcoholic beer. If that's not funny I don't know what is.

The fucking part where the cop gives them a sobriety test and they fail it miserably and as he's about to arrest them he notices that the beer is non-alcoholic hahahaha wait a minute, you guys aren't drunk, you're just stupid.
Currently sporting a red wine hangover from the depths of hell. Went out for dinner at a friend's last night and don't remember leaving. Woke up on the lounge room floor at 6.30am. Was supposed to work today. It's now nearly 1pm and I've tried unsuccessfully to get out of bed once. My head feels like someone scooped my brain out and played football with it for a few hours. The wife is at work. I might be dead by the time she gets home.