The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

I think this sounds like a mess but it's kinda coincidental when you consider the name of the event.
I had many friends on social media ready to go beat the shit out of Sidapa because of this. I mean, he may deserve that, but it doesn't mean that's the best way to go about it. Violence on violence and stuff.

Most of the neckbeards proclaiming they wanted to fight him would probably be in for a surprise. :lol:
I'm fucking shot. Long day. Tomorrow my nightmare of screaming 10-13 year olds comes true.

Also, just a side note (kinda done with the convo tbh since my friend is alright so I'm happy) i'm of the opinion if you're gonna do violent shit don't be surprised to receive violence in return.
Would you be justifying this violent reaction if it was a male buddy though? Would there even be a large movement of mob justice if it was a dude? I have a feeling nobody would really give a fuck.
Question of the day: What is it with the low SES crowd and fake fender vents? These things are achieving a level of popularity that plastic spinners, crown air fresheners, and "chrome"/"gold" license plate frames never seemed to.
Would you be justifying this violent reaction if it was a male buddy though? Would there even be a large movement of mob justice if it was a dude? I have a feeling nobody would really give a fuck.

I think the fact that she's sorta popular plays more into it than her being a woman tbh. Her boyfriend is in two successful bands and she's good friends with band members, writers, and the festival promoter. If it were a guy who was in a big band and knew a lot of people in the circle then I think a similar sentiment would be going around. Maybe not "this guy is a woman beater!" But more so "this guy is an asshole don't work with him." Hed be shunned but just in a different way.


First day as a teacher! The 6th graders are adorable and little. A 7th grader blurted out to the other teacher that I remind her of Aaliyah (I don't at all but huge compliment and wtf these kids know Aaliyah??) and an 8th grade student asked if I was a pirate because of my fanny pack, baggy pants, and boolbag that has skulls on it. I winked at her and she said she won't tell my secret.
HAHAHAHAAH!!!!! Dude, so many people have told me that exact shit.

Apparently even our personalities are similar. Havnt seen for myself, but some close friends of mine were telling me that too.
Dude,yes. I also saw the doppelganger. Don't know the RL personality but it seemed to fit.

Man, what a cunt that chick was though, amirite? I never know for sure what's acting and who's a psycho. If it was real, I imagine she wanted to bang one of them and couldn't handle the depth of her feelings in the depths of the wilds. Like...nobody's crazy without some fucked up justification for why. Everyone thinks they're behaving correctly.
Which chick? The one that tossed the knife and machete in the water? What a fucking riot she was. I guess she had done one of these challenges before and ended up fighting with her partner and tapping out. She didnt even make the 21 days, so there was no chance she was going to go 40. Im guessing the producers knew what they were doing, they invited her back because they knew she would bring the drama.

The cunty red head witch and her vegetarian partner that contributed absolutely nothing in her 40 days of being there were the worst.

Yeah, I can see the resemblances, but I don't think Luke is going to grab a flying beet at MDF, chug it down, and then slam it on the ground.

They're allowed to bring one survival item with them (usually a knife, machete, fire-starter)... i was just waiting for him to pull a can of PBR out of his pouch, then i would have been convinced it was Cody for sure. :lol:
I'm moving houses before the end of the year and I'm beginning to remember the massive downsides to having a giant music/dvd collection.

I just know that if I start cracking open beers, I'll get nothing done.
I'm at the Cigar City Brewery and I'm going to do the tour and check out the tasting room and store.