The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

Sorry for the loss dude. Stay strong. If you wanna try to see some optimism, at least he went doing something he probably loved. Most people never have such luck.
Yeah I wouldnt be surprised either.

Just crazy how many factors that had to line up for this to happen the way it did. If he was just a few seconds earlier or later, he would still be around...Situations like these really make me wonder about the whole "meant to happen" and "fate" and "karma" and all that other hippie bullshit, and in return I get some closure mixed with immense rage. Only time will help, it just really sucks right now.

And he didnt really go out doing something he loved. He was on his way home from work and some dumbass hit (and killed) a bicyclist and then in the process of correcting herself, crossed into oncoming traffic the other way and hit my brother dead on. Thats another problem I have with this; what a stupid fucking way to go. Hes so much better than to go out like that, shit is stupid as fuck.

Sorry to digress the thread and bring it on a downer, but Im glad I did because the support and love from you all help.
Yeah I wouldnt be surprised either.

Just crazy how many factors that had to line up for this to happen the way it did. If he was just a few seconds earlier or later, he would still be around...Situations like these really make me wonder about the whole "meant to happen" and "fate" and "karma" and all that other hippie bullshit, and in return I get some closure mixed with immense rage.

I've been "early" or "late" enough times in my life, and due to some unusual stuff too, to give it some credence.

Thats another problem I have with this; what a stupid fucking way to go. Hes so much better than to go out like that, shit is stupid as fuck.

My granddad (a great man btw) was in phenomenal health for his age and died of an aneurysm while trying to take an early morning dump (maybe strained too hard or something?). Most deaths probably fall under the stupid category. Human condition bro.
Sorry to hear that kaf. I never was blessed with a brother so I can't even begin to imagine that feeling. I have lost a few very close family members though and I'll say this. I won't lie to you and say it'll get better man, but it will get easier.