08-09 NFL Thread

T-man, what did you think of your pre-season opener against us ? :)

Me,,,im happy if we get 9 wins this season. I am not setting my expectations very high. Other than special teams, becuase we have special teams coach in charge....THAT should be fun. Nothin like pinning the other team back at like the 2,3,4 or 5 yard line after a KR that went NO where...
T-man, what did you think of your pre-season opener against us ? :)

I think if Brady goes down this season we're in DEEP SHIT!! I saw
nothing from any of the backups to make me feel comfortable even if
they're playing in garbage time..

I'm kind of biased though because even though N.E. is my favorite team
bar none!!!! I've always liked Baltimore.
And we shouldn't forget that they are the ONLY team in last years regular
season that you can "technically" say beat the Pats.
An undefeated regular season saved by a coaches defensive timeout?!? C'mon..

I think the Ravens will win 10 this year and be a viable contender for their division.. Imo
Raider running backs McFadden, Bush and Fargus looked real good.... so did QB Andrew Walter... JaMarcus threw a bomb that wasnt caught Javon Wakler better step it up! At least the changes in the O-line look promising.... 18 to 6 and the defensive also looked ok.

Ok we did player the 49ers who suck ass the best thing i saw were the Girls and the Fights in the stands....... The Battle of the Bay always brings out the best!

I was in the Black Hole, and we could clearly see bout 25 people fighting over there, as we were leaving we saw the aftermath, bout 15 Niner fans hand cuffed and going to jail....

3 Tickets in the Black hole....$150.00
Tri-Tip Sandwich and Beer....$18.50

Winning the game, taking pictures and taunting Disgruntled Niner fans while handcuffed and going to jail....


WOW!! How cool are they?!!?:rolleyes:

I know opinions differ on this....BUT, I NEVER wear my Pats gear to road games!! I just don't.. There's no easier way to avoid conflict (I.E. being spit on, having beer dumped on you, getting sucker punched, etc....) than just showing up in street clothes rather than wearing my teams colors!!

I know Thraxx got a chuckle out of the fact that it was 49er fans but you can bet that every fight started that night was not instigated by Niner fans but by being stupid enough to wear an Alex Smith shirt (What the hell were they thinking?!?!) they opened themselves up to being harrassed.

Don't know if you guys remember this but about two years ago (give or take) a girl went to a Pats .v Fins game last game of the regular season wearing a Dolphins winter coat, she got up to hit the bathroom and ended getting beaten and raped.... And of course the assholes responsible didn't get caught.

Eventually the NFL will institute some type of policy to protect fans who travel to road games..
Whether it's sitting them all on one side of the field or banning road team colors eventually the makers of the
No Fun League policies will come up with something.

Just my opinion....
WOW!! How cool are they?!!?:rolleyes:

I know opinions differ on this....BUT, I NEVER wear my Pats gear to road games!! I just don't.. There's no easier way to avoid conflict (I.E. being spit on, having beer dumped on you, getting sucker punched, etc....) than just showing up in street clothes rather than wearing my teams colors!!

I know Thraxx got a chuckle out of the fact that it was 49er fans but you can bet that every fight started that night was not instigated by Niner fans but by being stupid enough to wear an Alex Smith shirt (What the hell were they thinking?!?!) they opened themselves up to being harrassed.

Don't know if you guys remember this but about two years ago (give or take) a girl went to a Pats .v Fins game last game of the regular season wearing a Dolphins winter coat, she got up to hit the bathroom and ended getting beaten and raped.... And of course the assholes responsible didn't get caught.

Eventually the NFL will institute some type of policy to protect fans who travel to road games..
Whether it's sitting them all on one side of the field or banning road team colors eventually the makers of the
No Fun League policies will come up with something.

Just my opinion....

fuck that...its those fucken stupid raiders fans....they always start stupid shit...just because their teams sucks

i would wear my jersey to a road game...i go to watch my team and support them

i remember about the girl

sitting them on one side of the field is well can go both ways...it can keep some away...but the ones close enough would get things thrown at...
the NFl needs more security...thats what it need
i would wear my jersey to a road game...i go to watch my team and support them

totally agree with wearing my jersey to a road game the whole point in making a trip of that kind is to support your team so why would you do all that and not even wear your jersey????......
Like I said...Opinions on this will vary.
Actually I make that trip to watch the game..I can wear my Harrison shirt anytime. But to avoid jail time for punching some local clown in the mouth I don't wear my gear...

It's a personal decision and doesn't mean in any way, shape or form that I'm supporting the team less than the guy next to me wearing the shirt.
If the Patriots organization will pay my legal fees (I.E. Bail, Lawyer, court fees, time out of work, etc...) I'll happily wear my colors.

On a sidenote I was talked into wearing my stuff twice once in Houston and once in Buffalo.. The Houston fans are extremely cool!!! We ended up winning that game in OT on a Vinateri FG and there was no hassle throughout..

Buffalo started out great.. We tailgated with a bunch of Bills fans before the game but as the game went on the Bills were getting pounded and the mood went south a bit and before the night was out I was figuring we'd be scrapping in the parking lot... Fortunately it didn't go that way..

totally agree with wearing my jersey to a road game the whole point in making a trip of that kind is to support your team so why would you do all that and not even wear your jersey????......
Actually I make that trip to watch the game..I can wear my Harrison shirt anytime. But to avoid jail time for punching some local clown in the mouth I don't wear my gear...

It's a personal decision and doesn't mean in any way, shape or form that I'm supporting the team less than the guy next to me wearing the shirt.
If the Patriots organization will pay my legal fees (I.E. Bail, Lawyer, court fees, time out of work, etc...) I'll happily wear my colors.

lol true if only they would pay....and it sucks that many people are in the same situation about wearing their colors to road games just because those few locals who feel that it makes them look tough to start something with the other fans ...
Whoa, A cowgirl from hell, nice.

Hey I have no problem wearing my Brown & Orange anywhere.

Went four wheeling in PA two weekends ago, and walked right into a bar, out in the sticks wearing a Browns sweatshirt, everything inside was black and puke, err gold.