^This discussion is only good on the Nevermore board, it really sucks here![]()
Because you are sooo popular on that forum

^This discussion is only good on the Nevermore board, it really sucks here![]()
^This discussion is only good on the Nevermore board, it really sucks here![]()
The sad thing is, that while the rest of the world can see these things. Too many Americans cannot, it's going to be 2004 all over again.
oh and viewer from nihil: you're a cunt. honestly. you are the intolerant asshole redneck that has propagated and spawned this wave of idiocy across this country. yes i'm talking about your sig.
you guys do realize mccain finished fifth from the bottom of his naval academy class right?![]()
a lot americans see themselves in him
have you thought about if mccain dies during his term (possible), then this radical babymachine is taking his place![]()
not a fun thing to think about
boo fucking hoo. just because you're a little bitch who can't handle a mildly offensive joke doesn't mean you go around saying shit about people you don't know. fuck you.
also, i love the argument that you have with the "wave of idiocracy" when YOU are the one going with the popular, mainstream, young voter, liberal media opinion. i don't piss on your view so don't piss on mine. i'm a conservative and i'm proud of it... you don't like it? boo fucking hoo
edit: just adding, i don't like mccain and i hate palin even more. however, obama is a fucking jack ass motivational speaker with no real plan for change
I was going to ask why you think McCain would make a good President and would pull your country out of the squaller it is currently in...
But fuck it, there's no point. You are simply one of the dimwitted, ignorant, narrow minded, blind, racists that are destroying your country. Congratulations, you have ruined the country you claim to love so much.
and you're a typical narrow minded, dimwitted, blind, ignorant... wait, we have opposite views and couldn't picture the other person being right in any way so... what the fuck is name calling going to accomplish? nothing, which is why i cannot stand debating a topic with you, you resort to name calling, you're immature, and i think you're just as ignorant as you think i am.
The difference between you and me is that my opinion is educated and somewhat un-biased. I'm not an American, I can't even vote, it barely effects me. However just out of interest I have looked into the candidates for the election and what their policies and plans are. And, being someone with a brain, I can tell that McCain is simply Bush 2.0 and is exactly what America does NOT need. Whereas Obama, who is far from perfect, will at least effect America somewhat positively.
You, are brainwashed and blinded by your own patriotism and bias.
and i think that the fact that you aren't american does make you biased and somewhat brainwashes you. also, i'm sick of being called brain washed, if i were brain washed, i'd probably be agreeing with you.
do i like the iraq war?
no but we need to finish what we started
is universal health care a good idea?
yes, but it would slow us down to canada's speed (not being racist, i do have a point) we don't have to go on waiting lists for life saving surgeries (too lazy to go into specific surgeries) like france and canada. and we don't have to wait for months for surgery because of the health care system we have. it needs to be changed but, universal isn't the way to go
do we need to do everything in our power to fix the economy?
yes, but obama has no real plan to fix it
once again, i don't like mccain, but i'd rather him win the election than obama. and i could give a shit less if obama was black, yellow, or a fucking martian, i make fun of him because i don't agree with him, not because he's a secret muslim...
that was a joke
so even though your opinion is the spawn of an unintelligent, uniformed, illiterate shitstorm, we should accept/agree with it because it's "different." you're still fucking retarded either way.
edit: and if you took the time to actually look at what swabs is saying, it is completely valid and informed. it's actually a persuasive argument. looking at your "arguments," which have absolutely no substance whatsoever, you completely invalidate yourself. congratulations on making a fool of yourself.
and i think that the fact that you aren't american does make you biased and somewhat brainwashes you.
and congratulations in being a fucking liberal dick. also, why am i illiterate? because i could give a shit less. uninformed? fuck you, i've spent hours researching both candidates and deciding which i preferred. sorry that you'd rather suck obama's cock than try to accept somebody else's opinion as a true and valid opinion of a human being who has different views than you. unintelligent? you're proving how much of a genius you are trying to make people on the internet look smaller than you.
i've listened to everything that swabs has said and respected all of his opinions, do i agree? no. does that make me and "idiot"? no, but it shows how much of a life you have... posting on forums and cradling the rolling stones magazine